KiwisMedia Creator Of The Week #Story02

Anshu Shandilya
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2021


KiwisMedia Creator Of The Week #Story02

Welcome readers,

Today’s story about a girl, who has showed the world that how reading daily can change someone’s life.

A girl who make books her best friend at an early stage of life and discovered herself by exploring more and more thoughts.

Saheli started her career as a content writer at the age of 17. From then, see started making money by monetizing her writing skill.

Have you heard of the term “leverage”?

It means, making most out of something. Nowadays, everyone knows how to use the Internet. But, only a few people able to leverage the power of the Internet.

Saheli had understood this since school days and started leveraging the Internet to create multiple sources of income. Like consulting, Digital Marketing, Youtubing.

Let’s look into her background, Saheli is currently a graduate student. She is more likely an artistic person. She started YouTube in 2016 and since then she has been reviewing books. Besides, she is also a digital marketer who help brands in building internet presence.

You must have heard an avid reader saying, reading books can change your life and Saheli is a live example of that.

Reading helped her in making decisions about her career choices, reading helped her in helping other people in giving reasons to read and pick amazing books to read, reading helped her in generating lakhs of rupees.

Reading never goes waste whether it’s fiction or non fiction.

YouTube was a new industry for her, but she kept reviewing books and the day came when her first video went viral, and she started getting traction on her channels. And, that traction acted like a boost in continuing YouTube further.

She has uploaded around 350+ videos on her YT channel. And, most of the videos are must watch for readers or non-readers. Go check them out.


It’s going to be more than 5 years since she decided to make books her best friend.

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” — Murakami

Set yourself apart from the crowd by reading amazing books based on reviewed by Saheli.

She has also another YT channel where makes videos about freelancing, Digital Marketing, Content Writing, and many more ways to make money. Check them out also and learn different ways to make money.

Why everyone should read?

See, Reading gives you mental bandwidth to see the bigger picture, to see what’s beyond, to see the unseen. And, to see the unseen, you have to keep reading.

Message from Saheli:

Firstly, I would say everyone to start reading. Go pick a book and start exploring sentences, paras. Once you start reading, everything else you will figure out by yourself.

Top 5 Books Suggestions

  1. Killing Commendatore
  2. Productivity Superhero
  3. The Magic of Thinking Big
  4. Rework
  5. Mindset

Thanks for reading.

If you know anyone whose story must be shared like Saheli, let me know


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