Why should you showcase your works?

Anshu Shandilya
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2021


Last day, I met with a guy on Twitter, he is currently looking for an internship in digital marketing. He has completed a training in digital marketing.

I asked him, Have you implemented your learning in real world digital marketing projects?

He replied, I know what I am capable of and if I get an opportunity I can prove them.

I liked his confident about the skills and knowledge he has acquired.

But, hear me out if you are also somewhat at the similar stage.

If you have learnt a skill by which you want to attract opportunities, you have to show the world that you have knowledge of that skill, and you can handle real world challenges by utilizing the knowledge from that skill.

And, that is only possible when you will create something, solve a problem using those knowledge and that’s not enough. After executing and building, creating stuff out of those knowledge you also have to showcase them to the world in simple representative form.


By showcase your works to the world, you also get a validation channel which helps you in validating whether you really get benefited after taking a course or training or not.

Your knowledge will be only useful when it’s helping you to attract opportunities.

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