About / Contact

Kiyan Sobhani
Published in
1 min readOct 18, 2016

I write, and I create businesses that are self-sufficient.

I’m the chief editor of SB Nation’s Managing Madrid, and a regular contributor to FourFourTwo. This page is solely an archive / landing page for my work. For regular updates, please follow me on Twitter or like my Facebook Page.

Due to the sheer volume of items on my schedule and formal requests received, I am only accepting phone calls and meetings through Clarity. If interested in contacting me about a speaking engagement, or other paid work, please click the link below.

If you are looking for a more informal approach, or just want to follow my work, please follow me on Twitter, or like my FB page. I will not be able to give guarantee a response on these platforms.



Kiyan Sobhani

Chief Editor @ManagingMadrid | Regular contributor @FourFourTwo. Podcast host: Managing Madrid, Churros y Tácticas. Also, entrepreneur