[Podcast] ARK CEO Cathie Wood 在科技股大跌後的最新訪談 — RazReport​ Episode 9

BadoYau Lee
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2021

2020全民抄作業 乾媽不講武德

先簡單介紹一下誰是美股乾媽 Cathie Wood

  • 方舟投資 (Ark Invest) CEO
  • 投資策略 : 破壞性創新
  • 更詳細的介紹 請詳閱股癌 青菜聊聊 ARK ETF 全解析 #2

本周科技股的全面修正, 看到了不少股民開始質疑ARK基金的能力



這邊就記錄一下Cathie Wood在這次Podcast中對於Value Reset還有ARK投資理念是否有所不同

Tesla was imploding 特斯拉正在崩潰

Jason Raznick:

They wanted me to ask you if if we start seeing technology stocks sell off for

like a couple years or a year do you switch strategies do you

Cathie Wood :

We did not think the company was going to run out of money. The markets were open this was not 2008 2009
我們不認為該公司是快要破產了,這市場才剛剛開始, 這不是2008年2009年

We want our companies to sacrifice short-term profits in order to be in the poll position to win in many of these winner takes most markets.
我們希望我們的公司犧牲短期利潤, 但是在大者恆大的市場中搶得先機

Artificial intelligence is causing a lot of winner take most markets

The companies with the best data the highest quality data are going to win.

If you give us five years however and given the exponential growth rates we’re talking about say 82% growth on average per year in the electric vehicle market.

If you give us that we are managing value portfolios i truly believe that.

Do you ever get afraid that people are going to target your trades ? 你會害怕空軍會狙擊ARK的交易嗎

At the end of the day when you have to disclose your holdings so we said okay fine uh. We’ll disclose our trades once we make them.

So, you aren’t flat-footed. We don’t want the spreads between the bid and the ask in our etfs to to do. 所以您不會措手不及,我們並不想要賺中間的價差

Jason Raznick :

Why do they need to invest in the ARK or their the ETF if they can just copy the trades you make?

Cathie Wood :

You know they’re busy on some days like this week , last week
你知道我們最近很忙 就像上週的這個星期

If you look at our trade sheet , it’s kind of tough to keep up with us but they would like to i mean you know very flattering
我們的交易單很難跟上我們的腳步,如果還是他們還是這樣做的話, 我們很受寵若驚

We’re happy that that but i think it might cost them more to do it than to have us. 我們對此感到高興,但我認為這樣做可能要比讓我們付出更多

That was our little thing for crypto 聊一下加密貨幣吧

Cathie Wood :

I think the big surprise to us. We had been expecting more institutional or professional interest and meaning institutions starting to put it in their their their funds. and to see mass mutual put a hundred million dollars of bitcoin into the general account.
我覺得很驚喜, 我們一直期待著更多的機構或專業興趣和意義機構開始投入彼特幣到他們的資金配置中並相互投入將一億美元的比特幣存入普通賬戶

What has surprised us is the diversification that companies like Square,Tesla and Microstrategy.
令人驚訝的多元化的公司像SQ ,特斯拉, MSTR.

The diversification into bitcoin on their balance sheets .They are starting to build their cash positions.


Can you believe two years ago? people thought tesla was going to run out of cash
你兩年前可以相信嗎? 人們都以為特斯拉現金將要用光了

Now it’s built it’s cash positions to such an extent that it’s diversifying about eight percent into bitcoin.

i think it’s a great insurance policy it makes a lot of sense

Roku , Zoom , Draftkings, NNDM 個股提問

There’s a huge transition from linear tv to streaming tv .


And what would you invest in or or where would you invest given the 70 billion dollars of linear tv advertising dollars that are going to disappear and go somewhere where would you invest

Most people would say facebook, google that’s a we would say
大多數人會說facebook google

A lot of people know that that is no surprise
很多人都知道, 這並不奇怪

the surprise is roku roku is becoming the operating system of streaming tv of connected TVs

Amazon are in are in competition, but Roku put its own channel it has started its own channel and is starting to buy contents
亞馬遜也都在在競爭中, 但是roku已經有了自己的地位並也開始購買內容

So we think those two certainly in the united states uh are um are going to take the lion’s share of the connected tv market.
所以我們認為這Roku跟Amazon 在美國將佔大部分影音串流電視市場.

Roku is moving internationally and finding really good success

Zoom was cut in half from 600 to nearly 300

Last week got the the earnings report this week and most people have been saying okay yeah we’re kind of getting back to normal they got to slow down
上週獲得了Zoom的收益報告, 而且大多數人都說好吧,是的,我們有點回到正常情況下,Zoom成長會趨緩.

2021 會計年度 Q4(1 月 31 日止) 財報關鍵數據

調整後 EPS:1.22 美元 vs. 0.79 美元 (Refinitiv 分析師預測)

淨利:2.604 億美元

營收: 8.825 億美元 vs. 8.118 億美元 (Refinitiv 分析師預測)

Their growth rate accelerated from 365% Y-O-Y growth to 369
% . Y-O-Y growth a 900 million dollar run rate which is 3.6 billion dollars annualized.

事實上Zoom 第四季營收 實際增長 369% , 將近9億美元

If our estimate for this for this year is right in fact it’s probably undervalued i know people think that’s outrageous.

Draftkings is becoming a platform for sports betting

States in crisis uh with huge deficits are going to capitulate one after another

its revenues were up a hundred percent again

NNDM actually is used to call itself a 3d printed uh circuit board company

Now, it’s broadened its view of itself you know defining the market to a 3d printed technology device company

It’s getting incredible business from uh from defense agencies around the world

It’s an israeli company. We always look for where the defense is putting their money where they think a technology is highly differentiated and we get to know the company which we have

Digital wallets are going to gut bank

We think that fintech is probably one of the most misunderstood of all of the technology platforms

Digital wallets are going to we believe gut banks

We’re going to buy stocks and crypto that all we’re ready is happening

Millennials are leading the way.here i think banks are facing innovative dilemma

I think they are going to have a hard time catching up


如果有長期在追蹤Cathie Wood的訪問, 像是CNBC採訪或是ARK本身的報告, ARK的一直是堅守著自己的價值, 即便是遇到股災修正, 仍會持續加碼自己最看好的標的, 這個其實也是另一種的價值投資. 或許ARK在幾年後績效就無法像現在這麼誇張離譜, 但是就像是影片評論區的留言一樣

Truth, transparency is why I love ARK


有興趣的 推薦一個異界番茄-ARK追蹤神器, 是在有夠佛心還弄成網站


