An Introduction to the Core model — Utterly Content 2020

Links and forward paths for my open session on the Core model at Utterly Content.

Links and resources (AKA Forward Paths)

I gave this introduction to the Core model as an open session at Utterly Content on October 20. 2020. The session was a quick summary of my on-demand-workshop about the Core model.

In the full workshop I give a step by step introduction to the model and the process with examples and exercises. Each participant get access to their own core worksheet in Mural, and we also have a private Slack channel where I answer any question you might have.

PS! You can still sign up for the workshop on ContentEd for £ 150. Sign up here.

Links and forward paths

In the open session I mentioned a lot of links to more resources, and here they are:

You can also contact me at or @coremodelbook
I’m writing a book about the Core model, so I’d love to hear about your experiences with it! All questions or comments are appreciated :-)

Are Gjertin Urkegjerde Halland
Kjernekaren/The Core Guy

And here’s the signup page for the course at ContentEd once more :)



Are Gjertin Urkegjerde Halland
OBS! Alt om kjernemodellen finner du no på!

Kjernekar, syklist og far til 3 + kjernemodellen. Trenger du sparring, foredrag eller workshop? Kontakt meg på // Inventor of the Core Model.