5 Ways to Set Up your SEO Content Strategy!

Phoebe Ho
KKday SEAcademy
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018
Photo by Nate Dame on Search Engine Land

Article Source: Julia McCoy in Search Engine Journal

Creating content in a vacuum? Want to get good result without careful consideration? It will be impossible… So how can you set up your own, solid SEO content strategy? There are 5 ways you can do!

1. Define Your Topic Area

You should begin by defining your brand’s purpose and expertise, not just starting with keyword research! You may think about what unique knowledge base relating to travelling can you offer to an audience? For example, travelling app, currency app.

2. Define Who You’re Targeting in Search

Who is your audience? What is your current customers for clues? What is your competitor is targeting? Outline the benefits of your product? It helps to narrow our target audience!

3. Find Keywords that Hit Your Topic Area + Target Audience

Now is the time to think of the keywords! After finding your content core and our target audience, You have to set your keywords.

Step 1:
Start with a broad search term, such as "JR Pass" which falls under your industry expertise.

Step 2:
Narrow down that term by thinking these factors:

  • Variations of those keywords (e.g. South-Hokkaido Pass, Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Area Pass)
  • Your bestselling products/services (e.g. Kansai and Hiroshima Area Pass)
  • Product/service features (e.g. 5 days)
  • Questions your customers might ask Google to find your business or buy your product (e.g. Where is cheaper between us and your competitors?)

Step 3:
Combine it!

Example: “JR Pass” I come up with this list:

  • Kansai and Hiroshima Area Pass (one of my bestsellers)
  • Japan Rail of Kansai and Hiroshima Area (a variation of the keyword using different wording)
  • If I want to visit Okayama, which pass should I choose? (a common customer question)

Step 4:
Check your tools. Using your favourite tool, search your potential keywords to find your best opportunities!

The keyword suggestions I get when I search”JR Pass” with KeywordTool.io

4. Optimize Intelligently

Once your high-ROI(Return On Investment) keywords are in hand, you can use them to pump up your content during creation. Optimize intelligently to make sure you grab every chance for search engines to rank your content. That must include things like:

  • Using your target keyword in the H1, H2s, and meta description.
  • Making your content relevant, high-value, and comprehensive.
  • Sticking to a consistent publishing schedule.

5. Build Your Content on Your Own Internet Plot

Before you begin publishing and sharing your content, you must have a place where it can live and where you can build your authority, relevance, and trust. Proprietary platforms, including social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and content sites like Medium, are borrowed space. Posting content on these platforms isn’t guaranteed because it may be shutted down suddenly. It is suggested to publish on your site which is totally under control!

Remember, SEO content strategy isn’t just about keywords. It’s about research. It’s about knowing your expertise in your industry, and understanding your audience :)

