[Material] Lesson 3 : The Art of Selling 101

Phoebe Ho
KKday SEAcademy
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2018

What is Sales?

● Transactions that you need to facilitate if you want to stay in the game. -Gary Vaynerchuk

● Numbers don’t lie and sales is absolutely the foundation of your business. There is simply no other way. -Gary Vaynerchuk

● Everyone lives by selling something. — Robert Louis Stevenson

● Bookings x price — KKday Definition

● The number of goods, products, or services that a company sells within a certain time period — Collins Dictionary

Why do I need to know how to sell? I’m not a salesman!

● You are a salesman. Everyone is.

● Everything that you do involves selling.

● Asking your parents for additional allowance when you were a kid was selling.

● Interviewing for a job is selling yourself.

● Dating is selling.

● Pitching an idea to your boss is selling.

● Asking Rebecca for more budget is selling.

● Lobbying an additional headcount from HR is selling.

● Right now I’m selling an idea to you that everyone must be selling.

● Telling your friends to go with you and eat at a restaurant you like is selling.

The Usual Life Cycle of a Sale — AIDA

Basic Steps if you want to make a Sale

Conversation Tips

1.Know who you are talking to and adjust to the other party’s wavelength.

2.Master the art of small talk. Stop asking how the weather is and ask meaningful questions that will make the other party remember you.

3.Over drinks (coffee, tea, beer, etc.) or sharing a meal is always better. Sharing an experience with the other party is a must if they are really important. (Of course, do this only when the other party is worth your time and resources as well e.g. partner, KOL, etc.)

4.Always listen. Half of selling is listening. This is a painful portion but the best sales people really listen well.

5.Treat the other party as an equal. You are not inferior even if you need the other person’s business. Remember that a sale is a partnership. You both need each other. If you don’t believe that you are offering him or her some value, you wouldn’t be really convincing.

