What is Facebook Analytics?

Wei Ming
KKday SEAcademy
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2018
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Facebook Analytics, at its core, allows you to see how your Facebook properties connect. For instance, you can see how audiences for your Facebook page and Facebook pixel connect or overlap.

You also see how people interact with your website. Because Facebook pixel is a core component of Facebook Analytics, you can see how people travel through your site and interact with different parts of Facebook events. As an example, Facebook pixel has a purchase event, a lead event, and other events you can customize. Facebook Analytics gives you an idea of how these interact.

You’ll find Facebook Analytics in Ads Manager or Business Manager (click the menu in the upper left, select All Tools to see all options, and click Analytics in the Measure & Report section). Within the Analytics tool, you can build graphs that aggregate page data in big-picture ways, whereas Facebook page insights relate to reach, post performance, and other micro-level statistics.

In other words, Facebook Analytics pulls together the micro-level data from your Facebook page and Facebook pixel in ways that allow you to see how someone interacts with your page and website over time. To visualize this, you can see how many people commented on a post and later viewed your page and then made a purchase.

How Facebook Analytics is different from Google Analytics.?Google Analytics is a comprehensive tool that enables you to look at more data than Facebook Analytics and do deep dives into specific pages. Facebook Analytics is best at showing you interactions among events so you can see opportunities that you maybe didn’t know were happening.

Say women in the 35–44 age bracket are making a purchase 11% more often than men of the same age. Facebook Analytics gives you automated insights like this that you don’t necessarily get from Google Analytics. Each tool has benefits, and they work really well in tandem.

Learn more in original article: Social Media Examiner

