Making Things Public lab session reflections

32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust
Published in
1 min readMar 4, 2020

Can you pose a hypothesis instead of a theme? — Gloria Kiconco

What is the poetry of this material? — Gloria Kiconco

Making art is not necessarily about a theme it could be a hypothesis — Ericka Florez

Book recommendation from Sofia Olascoaga: THE ART OF MAKING A LIVING WITH ART by FELIPE EHRENBERG

Turn a feeling into a material and put it into a space — Sofia Olascoaga

Curating is not cataloguing — M

Question your medium, for example, I like the way photography was explained by Ericka as time + shadow + light — Charity Atukunda

Sound as material to link to other mediums to express art in a space — Jim Joel Nyakana

Experience is important in art — Mutegeki Cliff

Challenged and privileged!

Our bodies are wise

Our bodies listen to their environments and the spaces we take them to — Alison Nadunga

Public space is not public space — Aloka Aloka, co-signed by Liz Kobusinge

Why did I get so angry? — Martin Kharumwa

Sophia affirmed a lot of what I grew up feeling about institutional education = institutionalized imagination — Martin Kharumwa



32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust

32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust is an independent non-profit organisation, focused on the creation and exploration of contemporary art in Uganda.