Meet Eliza, our new CEO!

Klarity Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2018
Photo: Marc Femenia

Just before the new year Klarity appointed Eliza Kücükaslan as Klarity’s CEO. She has been part of the Klarity team as Deputy CEO since last summer and here is a short interview for her to introduce herself, her ideas, and where she wants to take Klarity.

Eliza, congratulations on your appointment! How have your first few weeks as CEO been?

Thank you! I feel honoured to take over as Klarity’s CEO and we are ready to take 2018 by storm. The last few weeks have been both busy and stimulating. I feel confident that this year will be pivotal in Klarity’s growth and development. It is all very exciting.

What do you see as the central part of the Klarity initiative?

For Klarity to work there are three important components; building a community, engaging activists and taking action on cases. My central goal right now is to make sure that Klarity is strong on all three fronts and that we don’t just focus on one or two and then fail at the third. With our experienced and talented team this is certainly achievable.

Can you tell us more about the beta launch in Africa?

We are starting small in the West African nation of Ghana, launching the platform with local activists and key partners to gain proof of concept and ensure the platform creates real impact. From there we wish to spread the platform around the world and evolve it into tackling not only petty corruption but all forms of human rights’ abuses in both private and public-sector institutions.

What do you see as the broader vision for Klarity?

Klarity wants help strengthen democracy around the world, based on strong, transparent and well-functioning institutions that citizens can trust. We don’t shy away from pushing boundaries and believe technology can help tackle some of the world´s biggest problems. By holding public officials accountable based on real evidence. Transparency and personal accountability ensures short-term reprimands and long-lasting global social impact.

On a personal level, what drives you?

At Klarity our drive stems from the simple idea that technology and entrepreneurial drive can be an igniting factor to fundamentally eliminate corruption at its roots. I’ve grown up seeing how different innovations like Wikipedia or social networks have added value to the life of millions around the world by shifting the power of knowledge and voice to people’s fingertips. Knowing there are unexplored ways to create change where it’s needed the most inspires me to be part of the movement.

Lastly, can we know a little more about you and your background prior to Klarity?

I have an engineering background and have always yearned for finding solutions to problems and working in places that contribute to the public good. Before joining Klarity I spent three years setting up the microinsurance company Bima where I was the country manager for the business in Ghana. Between my work at Klarity and Bima I worked in the Government Offices of Sweden as the political adviser to the Minister of Strategic Development. A takeaway from all my roles has been the importance of promoting partnerships across sectors and between actors instead of working in silos to be able to leverage efforts for sustainable development.

Thank you, Eliza! And best of luck!



Klarity Blog

Klarity is an online community where users can anonymously crowdsource videos of corruption issues in their local neighbourhoods. Visit us on