If You Are Thinking about Going Freelance

Maybe this interview till inspire you

klaudia grochot-fraser
Speaking in tongues
1 min readOct 19, 2017


I was recently interviewed by Nathalie Codsi at Piccolo Accounts which was a very enjoyable experience. If you would like to know what I had to say about going freelance, you can read the whole interview here.

I’ve always wanted to become a freelancer, for the last 10 years I’ve been a freelance translator part-time […] I started working in a big company, but I guess it made me realise what I don’t want in life!

So after three years in the corporation I decided to go freelance full time, and how? Well, it’s a long process, you never know how it happens. It just happens if you decide it to happen, and if you’ve had it in the back of your head for a while.




klaudia grochot-fraser
Speaking in tongues

Originally from Kraków, I speak Polish, Swedish, English, German and Portuguese. I live in London where I do lots of walking, singing and dreaming.