Klaviyo Data Science Podcast EP 42 | Unlocking Customer Insights with RFM

Michael Lawson
Klaviyo Data Science
2 min readDec 11, 2023

Welcome back to the Klaviyo Data Science podcast! This episode, we dive into…

Knowing your customers

Customers are all unique, whether you’re building a data science product or selling an ecommerce product. In an ideal world, we’d be able to think about all of them on a truly one-on-one basis. Most of us can’t keep track of that many people in our brains, though, which is where the topic of today’s episode comes in: what is the best way to summarize an entire population of customers into a number of groups that is small enough to intuit but fine-grained enough to actually be useful in practice?

Listen along to learn more about:

  • Why understanding your customers is the superpower that drives any successful product
  • How simple-sounding concepts like recency can be trickier than expected
  • How to build a technical solution that draws on a vast number of data stores

There’s always this temptation as a data scientist to chase the new fancy ML technique and create this really cool highly predictive black box model. But this process has reminded me that there’s something to be said for relatively simple, interpretable, rules-based algorithms.

Nick Hartmann, Engineering Manager


During this episode, we mention the following blog post:

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About Klaviyo

Klaviyo’s intelligent marketing automation platform makes it easy for marketers to centralize and use every piece of their customer data to deliver hyper-personalized experiences across all their channels, increasing conversions and revenue. Interested in joining us? We’re always looking for great people to join our team.

Who’s who

Logo by: Griffin Drigotas from Klaviyo Design



Michael Lawson
Klaviyo Data Science

Data scientist at Klaviyo. Poet. Creator and host of the Klaviyo Data Science Podcast. Double UNC-Chapel Hill alum.