Klaviyo Data Science Podcast EP 48 | Data Science Goes Worldwide

Michael Lawson
Klaviyo Data Science
2 min readJun 10, 2024

Welcome back to the Klaviyo Data Science podcast! This episode, we dive into…

Internationalizing your product

There are many aspects of product growth — reaching new heights for peak volume, reaching new levels of sustained daily volume, growing your feature set and the complexity of your code based, and many others. Dealing with growth in an intelligent and forward-looking way is never easy, but this month we deal with a type of growth that presents its own unique set of challenges: international growth, i.e. expanding the range of countries and languages your products are natively available in.

This month, we talked with multiple members of the internationalization effort here at Klaviyo, from teams across our organization. You’ll hear about:

  • How strings can be far more complex than they seem
  • Why changing languages doesn’t just mean changing words
  • Where in the world your assumptions about language may break

“Every country has its own rules, so this just gets more and more complex. And when a customer is going to send an SMS campaign, they don’t want to have to worry about that. They don’t want to have to think ‘I’m sending this campaign internationally to ten countries, what are the things I need to know about all of those countries?’ They just want to create a marketing campaign, and just send it.”

— Anthony Hornung, Product Manager, SMS

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About Klaviyo

Klaviyo powers smarter digital relationships. We make it easy for B2C businesses to transform all their data into more valuable customer experiences across every touchpoint — from email and SMS to the web and reviews. More than 135,000 businesses rely on Klaviyo to grow their revenue faster and more efficiently. Interested in joining us? We’re always looking for great people to join our team.

Who’s who

Logo by: Griffin Drigotas from Klaviyo Design



Michael Lawson
Klaviyo Data Science

Data scientist at Klaviyo. Poet. Creator and host of the Klaviyo Data Science Podcast. Double UNC-Chapel Hill alum.