Klaviyo Data Science Podcast EP 49 | What Real Data Scientists Wish They’d Known Earlier in their Careers

Michael Lawson
Klaviyo Data Science
2 min readJul 18, 2024

Welcome back to the Klaviyo Data Science podcast! This episode, we dive into…

Advice for the road

A big part of growing and developing as a data scientist, or any other member of a data science team, is taking time to reflect, learn, and distill experiences into advice. This month, we’ve asked four senior members of the data science team to do exactly that: look back over their careers, reflect on what they know and what they wished they’d known earlier, and tell everyone what those lessons are. Listen to this advice-filled episode to hear:

  • How taking a more scenic or indirect career route can impart valuable experiences
  • The growth and development opportunities that truly unlocked new phases of their careers, and how you can make the most of similar opportunities
  • Why mistakes often make the best learning opportunities

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Michael Lawson
Klaviyo Data Science

Data scientist at Klaviyo. Poet. Creator and host of the Klaviyo Data Science Podcast. Double UNC-Chapel Hill alum.