Developer Showcase #4: Danilo Santos, Senior Developer at Preezie

David Henriquez
Klaviyo Developer Blog
3 min readAug 25, 2022
Headshot of Danilo Santos
This guest post was written by Danilo Santos of preezie.


I’m Danilo Santos da Silva, a senior software developer at preezie, a guided shopping solution for eCommerce platforms. Our mission is to help eCommerce brands by providing in-store shopping experience online to increase their conversion rate, capture emails, gain first-party data, and improve the customer experience while browsing the merchant’s website.

Why did I build with Klaviyo?

preezie works directly with brands using different e-commerce solutions. We capture users’ information and preferences by utilizing questions and answers (Q&A) and recommendation products based on our advanced search capabilities, all while combining questions’ weight and products’ proximity.

We were looking for a partnership to help drive revenue via email and SMS campaigns while also acquiring advanced segmentation. Currently, around 40% of our customers use Klaviyo and over 20% were asking for us to build an integration.

We built an integration with Klaviyo’s platform allowing our customers to segmenting their users’ preferences using preezie’s Q&As to increase their user base.

Klaviyo Insights

Klavyio is an extremely flexible platform for data integration as it doesn’t enforce pre-defined data structures.

Initially, we started a pilot project to store user information using the Profiles API. After getting the profiles integration running, a few customers requested extending our integration to add the full Q&A data from the preezie platform into Klaviyo. This would give clients the ability to execute filters and have more precise segments.

We saw the potential of Klaviyo’s platform and decided improve the integration to store not only Q&A but also product recommendations so that it would be possible to use Klaviyo segmentation to group users by their preferences. Klaviyo’s Events API provided exactly what we were looking for, allowing us to store profiles together with event data.

Image of Preezie data in Klaviyo
Preezie data being passed to Klaviyo.

Challenges & Learnings

We encountered some challenges while integrating with specific customers because we don’t control what information will be stored in our system (e.g. product descriptions). A few customers have products with special characters that weren’t accepted in the API request, so we used JSLint to do initial validations in the body of the request to make sure the request was valid.

Tips & Tricks

We started the integration using JavaScript as it is an easy and quick way to get some code written and tested. After getting the general workflow going, we integrated it into our system using .Net and the RestSharp library.

The Klavyio documentation provides examples to follow their standard. We had to stringify, URL-encode, and base64-encode the data in order to pass it to Klaviyo.

After this, we made it possible for a brand, once it had the integration enabled and configured on our preezie system, to send the lead data to Klaviyo after being ingested by preezie.

Interesting Use Cases and Further Expansion

With the new integration running, we received new requests to start syncing lists between preezie and Klaviyo. Because preezie holds information for user workflows and status, we can easily send the information to Klaviyo for the group that the users belong to, so that the Klaviyo segmentation will pick it up or keep a static list in Klaviyo in sync with its counterpart in preezie. This was accomplished using the Klaviyo subscribe endpoint.


After completing several iterations of our Klaviyo integration and using many various Klaviyo APIs, we are confident that the platform is robust and can accommodate many more use cases into the future. The documentation helped speed up development with provided code snippets and detailed information about the APIs.

The code snippets provide a great testbed when validating and debugging integration data. The variety of API endpoints Klaviyo offers covers the most common use cases and addresses the main issues we were trying to solve.

Since we launched this integration with Klaviyo, 80% of our mutual customers are using the integration, or over 40 customers in just 6 weeks. We are excited to continue to help Klaviyo customers drive growth!

