Six Ways to Mint NFTs on Klaytn

Tech at Klaytn
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2021

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🇰🇷: Klaytn에서 NFT를 발행하는 다양한 방법

In this article, we will show you some different ways to mint NFTs on Klaytn.


Before we begin, you may be wondering what Klaytn is. Klaytn is a blockchain platform developed by GroundX, a Kakao subsidiary. Please refer to Klaytn,com, Position Paper, Klaytn Docs for more information.


NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. It was born out of Ethereum’s ERC-721 standard, where each token is given a unique value. You can think of it as a tokenized trading card of celebrities or athletes, or a Pokémon. Klaytn’s NFTs follow the KIP-17 standard. For more details on KIP-17, please refer to the link.

Deploying NFT Contracts? Sending Tokens?

Let us take a quick look at the technical background regarding NFTs. In order to mint NFTs, you need to have deployed a smart contract on Klaytn in advance. You can think of an NFT smart contract as a repository for storing NFTs. Once you have created a repository, you can keep on minting new NFTs into it. Here is a brief summary of the terms:

  • NFT: Non-fungible token
  • NFT Contract: A kind of repository for storing NFTs
  • NFT Minting: Creating a new NFT
  • NFT Transfer: Sending an NFT to someone
  • NFT Burn: Discarding an NFT

Hopefully by now you get the gist of what Klaytn and NFT are about. In this post, we will be focusing on how to deploy and mint them on the Klaytn blockchain, instead of dealing with NFTs per se. Please refer to other resources if you want to delve deeper into NFTs.

1. Deploying NFT Contracts with Truffle

You can learn how to deploy an NFT contract using Truffle here. Of the ways introduced here, this is probably the most complicated and difficult one, but it is recommended if you want to have more control over the contracts. It also allows you to modify the contract code.

2. Deploying NFT Contracts using caver

If you don’t think you will be modifying your contract, there are easier alternatives. Klaytn’s SDK caver-js and caver-java provide the caver.kct package, which helps you deploy KIP-17 contracts with ease. To learn how to deploy KIP-17 contracts using Klaytn’s SDK with sample codes, click here for caver-js, and here for caver-java.

3. Deploying NFT Contracts using KAS

KAS (Klaytn API Service) supports APIs for conveniently deploying KIP-17 contracts. Please refer to KAS Docs for more details.

4. Deploying NFT Contracts using Klip Partners

Klip features a functionality for minting and transferring NFTs using Klip Partners. It allows you to create NFTs that can be easily displayed on Klip. But you need to sign a separate contract with Klip Partners in order to use the service. And please note that Klip can only verify Korean citizens at the moment. If you are a business interested in using the service in Korea, please contact For more information on Klip Partners, please refer to Klip API Docs.

5. Deploying NFT on KrafterSpace

GroundX launched KrafterSpace, a Klaytn-based NFT minting platform where anyone can conveniently create their own NFTs. Minting NFTs on Klaytn using the browser extension wallet Kaikas requires no prior knowledge of blockchain or programming. You can also sell and buy the created NFTs on OpenSea.

6. Deploying NFT Contracts with Klip/Kaikas

So far we have introduced several ways to deploy NFTs, but putting it into action may be easier said than done. To assist you in this, we have provided examples that demonstrate how to mint, view and send NFTs using KAS and Klip/Kaikas in the Github repositories below, so feel free to try it out yourselves!

