Gaming PoC Gas Fee Program Update

Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2022


  • 100,580 KLAY was paid to MARBLEX for gas fees incurred between January and October 2022.

As part of our ongoing efforts to be the technology layer of choice for metaverse gaming, we announced the launch of our PoC Gas Fee Support Program for game developers buidling on the Klaytn network.

Accordingly, we paid 100,580 KLAY to MARBLEX, an on-chain game recipient of our PoC Gas Fee Support Program. This covers the gas fees incurred by MARBLEX between January and October 2022 from its address designated for user fee delegation as well as its EOA/contract.

Gaming remains one of Klaytn’s key priorities in our mission to be the metaverse blockchain of all. Through our PoC Gas Fee Support Program and continuous tech improvements to enable flawless gaming experiences, Klaytn aims to create a vibrant Web3 gaming ecosystem for developers and users alike.

PoC Gas Fee Support Program FAQ

Is there a deadline to apply for the PoC Gas Fee Support program?

The PoC gas fee program is an ongoing initiative, and applications will remain open for the foreseeable future. Head here to apply for our PoC Gas Fee Support Program.

Is there a limit to the gas fees covered by the PoC Gas Fee Support Program?

A maximum limit of $100,000 (denominated in KLAY) per month per applicant.

Are there any restrictions on who can apply?

Applications have no restrictions as long as you or your team is building/operating a Web3 game on Klaytn that generates on-chain transactions. However, if you are found to be taking advantage of the program, your application will be terminated immediately, and you will be excluded from future participation.

How is the POC Gas Fee Support Program funded?

The program is a sub-initiative of the Klaytn Growth Fund (KGF).

What is the support schedule for the program?

Gas fees incurred in the previous month will be paid out to the corresponding applicant at the beginning of the following month.

