Kaikas Endpoint Node Upgrade

Tech at Klaytn
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2022


Read in Korean: [카이카스 엔드포인트 노드 성능 업그레이드]

Our team has been aware of Kaikas’s performance issues due to sudden spikes in user activities, especially during NFT airdrops. This was caused by an overload of the Kaikas Endpoint Node that interacts with the Klaytn network, although the Klaytn mainnet was operating normally. To resolve this issue, we have been applying and testing various approaches, and it is our pleasure to announce that we have upgraded the performance for Kaikas, which was applied yesterday:

  • Before: 1 EN with m5.24xlarge spec
  • After: 6 ENs with m5.8xlarge spec to distribute requests

We expect this upgrade to significantly improve your user experience with Kaikas. We will continue to monitor the performance of the ENs to further refine their spec.

The Kaikas Team takes the voices of our community very seriously, and we are always doing our best to improve Kaikas and its environment for you.

More details on Kaikas can be found in the Kaikas Help Center.

