Klaytn Docs is now open source

Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2022

Staying true to our mission of moving towards greater decentralization, we are happy to announce that Klaytn Docs is now open source. Klaytn Docs is where you can find everything you need about Klaytn, from our history, vision, and key concepts, to technical instructions, explanations, tutorials, and more.

What this means is that you — or anyone else for that matter — can now contribute to Klaytn Docs. Whether it’s an entire in-depth tutorial or correcting a tiny mistake that triggers your inner grammar pedant, you can now play a part in shaping up Klaytn Docs!

To be more specific, you will need to submit an Issue before making your contribution through a pull request on GitHub. Please follow these steps in the Contribution Guideline. Just to give you a heads-up, we currently only accept pull requests for the English version of Klaytn Docs. But if you have anything to say about the Korean version of Klaytn Docs, you are welcome to create an Issue and our maintainers will handle it.

As an open source project, the support from our community is of paramount importance. Your contributions are what have been driving the Klaytn ecosystem forward. We look forward to your active participation!

