Klaytn Gas Price Reduction Schedule

Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2022

As mentioned in gas fee burn and gas price reduction announcement, the gas price will be reduced on Klaytn Baobab and Cypress networks in May. The adjusted price will be effective for each network after the First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) transaction sorting algorithm has been adopted with the Klaytn v1.8.3 upgrade. The gas fee burn policy will remain the same.

Adjusted gas price

  • 250 ston

Gas fee burn policy (short-term)

*The short-term policy remains in place until a new gas fee burn mechanism is introduced.


Baobab Testnet:

  • Block number: 90,720,000
  • Estimated time: May 12th, 02:50 (UTC+9)

Cypress Mainnet:

  • Block number: 91,324,800
  • Estimated time: May 22th, 19:15 (UTC+9)

*The exact time can vary depending on the network status.

Notice for DApp developers

  • DApps should adjust the gas price to 250 ston or use the return value of `klay_gasPrice` API. Otherwise the transaction cannot be submitted to the network. An error may occur if the source code includes a hard-coded logic related to the gas price.
  • The transaction pool will be flushed once the gas price change takes effect on a node.

Notice for MetaMask Users (Not applicable to Kaikas users)

If you have any questions, please contact the Klaytn team through our Discord or Klaytn Forum.

