Klaytn’s flagship Klaymakers hackathon now open for registration!

Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2022

Klaytn Foundation is pumped to announce Klaymakers22, our flagship global hackathon with a total of over US$1 million to be won across a US$300,000 prize pool, sponsored challenge prizes, as well as grant and incubation opportunities.

Organized in partnership with DoraHacks, a global leading hackathon company connecting hackers to enterprise challenges and entrepreneurial ideas, Klaymakers22 aims to engage existing Web3 developers and onboard Web2 developers to develop dApps and build use cases on Klaytn, and also to attract students and researchers to explore Klaytn blockchain and the general applications of blockchain technology via research.

This comes shortly after our strategic partnership with DoraHacks to grow the Klaytn ecosystem and its developer community.

There are five tracks that participants can select from:

  • The Klaytn Core+ track
  • The Metaverse & NFTs track
  • The DAO track
  • The Fi+ track
  • The Public Goods track

Klaymakers22 is supported by many Klaytn ecosystem partners, some of which will also be sponsoring their own challenge statements for US$10,000 in prizes. Participants can select from any of these sponsors’ challenges on top of the tracks to win additional prizes. Partners will also be conducting free business and technical workshops and to help in the judging process.

As a Klaymakers22 participant, you’ll be able to access our developer community on discord, and look forward to taking part in free workshops organised by Klaytn and our partners to help you deep dive into Web3. Outstanding projects will also receive additional post-hackathon support such as grants and investments to incubation and accelerators, to help them go to the next level.

Finally, the first 200 registered teams will also receive US$50 worth of AWS credit when they submit their Klaymakers22 buidl on Dorahacks’ submission platform.

Visit the Klaymakers22 page to learn more, or register for the hackathon here!

