KrafterSpace User Guide

Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2021

Ground X, a Governance Council member of the public blockchain platform Klaytn has launched its NFT minting service — KrafterSpace; which makes creating and managing NFTs simple for everyone at zero gas fees.

The following article will provide you with a walkthrough on how you can use KrafterSpace to easily create and manage your digital items with minimum effort. Users can instantly mint NFTs on Klaytn by simply uploading an image or a video file. The process does not incur any gas fees. Furthermore, users can then choose to display their NFTs on the main page of KrafterSpace, to be exhibited alongside other users’ NFTs or to put them up for sale via OpenSea’s Klaytn NFT marketplace.

How To Make NFTs through ‘KrafterSpace’

  1. Visit

2. Sign in to Kaikas

3. Create your own NFT

Click “Create” and then click “Create NFT”

Ground X, with the creation of the NFT platform — KrafterSpace, is just beginning to make its mark on the NFT world. This benefits Kaikas Wallet users and KLAY holders as they will be able to use their tokens to buy NFTs and store them in their Kaikas Wallet.

Klaytn and Ground X will be continuing to make strides in the field of digital assets management by continuing to develop cutting edge, user friendly services like KrafterSpace.

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About Klaytn

Klaytn is a public blockchain focused on the metaverse, gamefi, and the creator economy. Officially launched in June 2019, it is the dominant blockchain platform in South Korea and is now undergoing global business expansion from its international base in Singapore.

These business expansion activities are supported by the Klaytn Growth Fund, which aims to grow the ecosystem of companies built on Klaytn. The fund is managed and disbursed by Klaytn Foundation, a Singapore-based non-profit organization established in August 2021.

