Meet Inés the PR Manager of Ground X

Published in
5 min readJul 30, 2021

The interview with Inés, Marketing Communication Team’s PR Manager of Ground X, begins now.

Q. Could you briefly introduce yourself and tell us what you do at GroundX?

A. My name is Inés, and I manage media and marketing communications at GroundX. On top of my communications duties, I used to initially manage our Medium blog and official website, creating the content delivered through our various owned media channels and touchpoints. Nowadays I am focusing more on media communications. More specifically, I draft press releases or feature articles to make our technological/business achievements better understandable to the public, and I also conduct interviews and media pitches. In order to maintain a positive company image, I build and manage an expansive media network, handling various risks and issues that arise along the way.

Q. How did you join GroundX, and what did you do before?

A. I lived in the US for quite a long time, but after finishing my studies, I came back to Korea to start my career.
Then I somehow ended up in Seoul and worked at a news media company and a marketing company before joining GroundX, approximately 2 years and 11 months ago.
Whereas most of our crews applied through the career page on the GroundX website, I found out about the position through a news article. That shows you right there how important PR is!

Q. What do you think is the most important competence to have to work at GroundX?

A. It depends on the position or the job, but I would say self-drivenness. There are a lot of things you have to (and can) build yourself. And that is also in accordance with the work approach and the culture we have at GroundX. There are many opportunities here.

Q. As the PR manager at GroundX, is there any personal know-how for working?

A. I approach my work with the motto “Flexibility and purposefulness are my weapons”.
The blockchain field is fast-evolving and diverse and requires one to stay on top of the latest services and industry trends in order to quickly respond to them. It is sometimes hectic, but I’ve been working very hard (and still am) that I’ve reached a point where I’ve come to enjoy this hectic work.

Q. What are some of the difficulties you face as PR manager at GroundX?

A. As much as I would love to tell you about a dramatic incident or trying challenges, I honestly never had any difficulties.
There may have been some thorny issues along the way, but looking back, each step in the journey was an exciting one. I only have memories for which I can just be grateful!

Q. Is there any culture unique to the Marketing Communications Team?

A. The Marketing Communication Team is literally a “hot” team, because it was established just recently. Besides myself, who lived in the US, our team leader lived in Australia, and another team mate in Great Britain for a long period of time. Both of them have a lovely sense of humour and I have a lot to learn from them.

Speaking of teams, this happens to be my fourth team ever since joining the company. Due to frequent organizational shakeups I was transferred from one team to another. But despite the little inconveniences, it has led to so many precious relationships.

Q. What makes GroundX attractive? What are your favorite company benefits?

A. That is a sudden transition from the previous topic, but I would say the vacation policies. We get 15 precious “refresh” vacation days. Since we don’t have to use them all within a year, mine has been accumulating for three years now. When the COVID-19 situation improves, I am planning to go pretty extravagant with my long overdue honeymoon.

Q. GroundX is currently enforcing remote work to its crews. What are the pros and cons, and what is your way of overcoming the problems?

A. The reduction of commuting time is definitely an upside, but being caged up at home the entire day is a downside. So I leave the windows open all the time to hear little children playing outside. It can be therapeutic.

Q. What is that one thing you like to achieve at GroundX?

A. We’ve been covered by numerous international news media like Bloomberg and the Wallstreet Journal, but not yet the New York Times, which has just briefly mentioned the company name without a feature story. That is one thing that I would like to accomplish. And I say, yes, we can!

Q. What do you like to do in your free time?

A. I love music and literature! I love reading in general, but I especially enjoy reading novels. When it comes to music, I listen to everything, from classic, jazz, rock to pop.
Recently I like to go bike riding with my husband, and we also go camping during spring and autumn. And I also cook and bake often, since I like to make our own food at home.

Q. Any places to recommend for our readers?

A. I recommend the restaurant “Buenos Aires” in Jamwondong where you can enjoy Argentinian cuisine and the tango dance shows by natives. There used to be one in Seonjeongneung also, but that one closed down, so this is the only one left.
Whereas you would have dinner while watching the tango show in the original Argentinian culture, here at “Buenos Aires” you have to leave the table for a moment to enjoy the show. That’s a slight bummer, but the place is still full of Argentinian vibes.
I love tango so much that I once even travelled to Argentina by myself for two weeks just to see the annual tango festival at Buenos Aires!

(Photos taken by Ines)

Q. As PR Manager, what are some websites or applications that you use most often?

A. Number one is definitely the news. I refer to a lot of press releases from other companies as well, regardless of which industry they are in. And I don’t know if this is strictly relevant, but the application I use the most is the dictionary. I use it often for both Korean and English. There is no end to languages. For someone in PR, I think learning is something that can never stop.

Q. Last question. Anything you want to say to your potential future colleagues at GroundX who are interested in joining the company?

A. You have chosen GroundX as your future employer? You’ve got a great eye for companies. Are you ready to adjust to a fast-paced, rapidly changing industry, and to act agilely? Then I dare tell you that you have what it takes to be our best teammate.

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