Meet Samsung Galaxy Note10 KlaytnPhone: Your First All-in-One Blockchain Smartphone

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2 min readSep 6, 2019

Today, we are excited to unveil KlaytnPhone, the blockchain variant of Samsung Electronics’ latest flagship smartphone series Galaxy Note10.

KlaytnPhone is the first and only smartphone that offers easy and seamless experience for users interacting with blockchain-powered services. With KlaytnPhone, you can experience an all-in-one blockchain ecosystem from token to wallet to blockchain application.

KlaytnPhone comes with 5 pre-loaded Klaytn BApps including Antube, FitsMe, Haemuknamnyeo, Piction Network, and Womanstalk.

More importantly, KlaytnPhone features our new digital wallet (remember our KakaoTalk-embedded digital wallet Klip?) called ‘KlaytnPhone Wallet,’ which safely stores KLAY along with KLAY compatible tokens. KlaytnPhone Wallet is also linked with the pre-loaded Samsung Blockchain Keystore, which recently added support for Klaytn and bitcoin after Ethereum. With Samsung Blockchain Keystore, users can easily create a key storage in the Secure File system for blockchain transactions.

With the KlaytnPhone, we hope more users can more easily access and interact with blockchain-powered services. Those who have never experienced a blockchain application before can use our preloaded Klaytn BApps and send tokens via KlaytnPhone Wallet with ease.

KlaytnPhone is available for online purchase at And most importantly, all buyers will be given 2,000 KLAY later this year. Claim your KlaytnPhone NOW!

About Klaytn

Klaytn is a public blockchain focused on the metaverse, gamefi, and the creator economy. Officially launched in June 2019, it is the dominant blockchain platform in South Korea and is now undergoing global business expansion from its international base in Singapore.

These business expansion activities are supported by the Klaytn Growth Fund, which aims to grow the ecosystem of companies built on Klaytn. The fund is managed and disbursed by Klaytn Foundation, a Singapore-based non-profit organization established in August 2021.

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