We left our heart in San Francisco.

Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2018

Hi there!

First and foremost — before diving into our SF travelogue — a special shout-out to those who were at Hello, Klaytn in SF last Wednesday! We had a really great time with you all. We’re back home, but San Francisco is still lingering in our mind.

SFBW! What an awesome week it had been. It was a great learning experience for both consumers and developers. Meaningful discussions and talks by some of greatest blockchain developers and engineers, and aside from the main events at Epicenter and CESC, there were tons of awesome satellite events, including our very own, Hello, Klaytn in SF.

We’ve been meaning to hold a meetup by the time Aspen, our private Testnet was to launch. And San Francisco, as the essential nub and hub of the Valley- and Bay-area blockchain, was the perfect location to hold our inaugural meetup. And the tickets were sold out in just first 4 days!

Hello, Klaytn in SF invited over 100 local developers and service providers in Valley and Bay areas. Our CEO Jason spoke on Klaytn’s approach to mass adoption of blockchain. Recognizing the biggest challenge of blockchain industry as the mass adoption to normal users, Jason first outlined the traditional obstacles to mass adoption of blockchain technology, such as crypto user experience, token economy experience, scalability, etc. He then discussed how Klaytn as public blockchain platform can tackle these challenges by redefining blockchain principles and redesigning crypto UI/UX.

Eric, one of our researchers, then introduced the private testnet in more detail. Launched on October 8th, Aspen is currently open to over a dozen of global partners, consisting of leading firms from various industry domains including entertainment, gaming, video streaming, social media, finance, etc. As mentioned in our very last Medium post, we are currently accepting applications for those service providers interested in using Aspen as well as a set of toolkits released together.

In addition to introducing our testnet release and raising awareness of Klaytn, the main goal of the meetup was to expand the Klaytn ecosystem. Our very own KJ thus explored some of possible ways of empowering developers and service providers to collaboratively build a community. He also presented a few on-going and future projects that contribute to social innovation by utilizing blockchain technology.

The meetup lasted for well-woven 4 hours with great attendees including developers and global firms from a variety of backgrounds. The networking event was supposed to last for an hour, but the attendees stayed around till the very last minute COVO closed! It was really great to see everybody just so immersed in discussions together.

Hello, Klaytn in SF is just the beginning. We will be running our Hello, Klaytn series around the globe, so if you missed us in SF, we will definitely see you somewhere else in the near future. And again, our Medium page will be the very first one to announce our biggest stories.

Also, check out the recap video!

Thanks guys! SEE YA!

Team Klaytn

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[About Klaytn]

Klaytn is a service-centric blockchain platform providing an easy development environment and friendly end-user experience. It is built upon solid reliability and significant stability with substantial service development for mass adoption. The platform allows real world applications of large scale to be produced right away so that our end-users can make full use of services without much expertise in blockchain or cryptocurrency. Klaytn seeks to convey the value and potential of blockchain technology to people.

