Klaytn’s Wallets— An Overview

Published in
9 min readMay 22, 2020

A regularly recurring question from new community members is what type of wallet supports Klaytn best and will provide them the most satisfying user experience, be it on mobile or computer. We found there’s no easy solution to this puzzle as a lot depends on the user profile. Are you a novice or experienced crypto user? Do you favor a hardware wallet or are you fine with a web wallet? Do you like your coins ‘cold’ or ‘hot’? There’s a multitude of wallet types, and each of them has its pros and cons. A plethora of wallets have integrated Klaytn’s native cryptocurrency KLAY and each of them has USPs and a different focus.

Hence, we concluded to dedicate an article to the wallet section of the Klaytn Ecosystem. Our aim is to guide the reader through each wallet’s key focus and features. Users looking for the fittest wallet to suit their needs will definitely find this article helpful!

The above meme, although humorously intended, accurately describes how we’ve felt during the past few weeks as we endured an increase in community inflow and inquiries about KLAY wallet support.

This article is meant as a concise, yet profound summary, showcasing all Klaytn Ecosystem Partner Wallets. Do note that some of the wallets discussed below contain many other features but have been left out for the scope of this article and its primary focus on Klaytn.

Klaytn’s Wallet Ecosystem — TL/DR

Disclaimer: It’s the user’s responsibility to take good care of their assets. Always store your crypto in a wallet of which you securely hold the private keys and be sure you made several backups! KlaytnCommunity is not liable for any losses that might occur due to using any of the wallets discussed in this article.


Let’s start off with a wallet developed by Ground X, shall we?

Kaikas is a browser extension wallet for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. Much like Ethereum’s Metamask, Kaikas provides more experienced users a secure and usable gateway to interact with Klaytn via a web browser. Users can store and transact KLAY and Klaytn-based tokens, as well as sign requests from web-based Klaytn Blockchain Applications (BApps) in real-time. Read more about Klaytn’s Kaikas in this Medium Story by Ground X.

Navigate here to download Kaikas. Note: This wallet is currently fit for web browser usage. Kaikas was forked from MetaMask, an open-source browser extension for Ethereum network. If you are familiar with MetaMask, you will be able to start using Kaikas in no time.


BitKeep portrays itself as the world’s largest multi-chain mobile wallet. They claim there’s no need for registering, but in its stead, one mnemonic manager for all coins. They support over 20 chains and thousands of tokens and there are multiple encryption protection levels to ensure asset security. Lastly, they hammer on their user experience by providing over 40 optimizations to make the wallet as simple and easy as possible.

Before moving onto the main wallet interface, the user has to create a new wallet or import an existing wallet (via mnemonic or private key). Thereafter, the user arrives at the home screen showing basic functions such as scan, transfer, and receive. There is also additional information such as market quotes of major crypto assets and a general news overview.

A Klay wallet can be added via the “wallet” button at the bottom and consequently tapping the plus sign in the top right corner. Interestingly, when navigating to the Klaytn wallet, you can immediately navigate to the browser tool which is Klaytnscope. We tested the wallet and the balance updated instantly and swiftly.

The “DApp” button guides us to the internal DApp store. Here you get an overview of blockchain applications, news, dex’s, tools and staking pools. For the DApp marketplace, ETH, EOS, and TRX are supported. There are no immediate plans to support Klaytn BApps.

All in all, we rate this wallet as very userfriendly and straightforward. We like the scanning function which allows another user to scan your QR code and easily send you KLAY. The extra info (news, quotes) and functionality (Integration Klaytnscope) come in handy and we hope the DAppstore will soon provide access to Klaytn BApps in the future. We did not find any feature to add existing, nor custom KCT tokens.


Next up is D’CENT — a wallet that comes in different forms and is being built by IoTrust. This company was founded by tech specialist and security experts with over 20 years of security know-how and engineering experience in development of deeply embedded security solutions. Their mission is to protect their customer’s digital assets through D’CENT Hardware Wallet,
a combination of Software and Hardware Security solutions.

KLAY can be stored on their flagship biometric hardware wallet. Features include:

  • Multiple cryptocurrency support
  • Biometric Authentication
  • Secure private key management
  • State-of-the-Art Security
  • Large OLED display
  • Backup and Recovery

New mobile wallet!

Recently IoTrust released a mobile wallet application that supports Klaytn’s native token KLAY, as well as a variety of Klaytn based tokens (KCT). Additional KCT tokens can be added upon simple request. We tried out the wallet and found it quite robust and minimalistic, clearly translating the image and vision of the IoTrust team. When opening the D’CENT app for the first time, a mobile wallet is automatically created for the user upon submitting a 6 digit PIN. You can immediately access the wallet, though we advise users to first navigate to “Manager” and backup their wallet (storing their seed in a safe place).

At login, the mobile wallet shows 4 tabs. The account tab gives you a balance overview, as well as some additional info such as time, date and total portfolio value in a currency of your choosing (settings).

When you want to receive tokens, the app allows you to show a personalized QR code to the sender or just share your address. Face-id security is available as well. Currently there is no in-app BApp store. The D’CENT is currently developing it for Ethereum, and afterwards they will set it up for Klaytn.

Last but not least, D’CENT also offers Card Wallets that enable users to easily initiate and verify transactions. Currently, there is only support for Ethereum though we hear there is great news on the horizon for Klaytn… 😉

NOVA wallet

NOVAwallet strikes us as futuristic and slick looking. The UX is quite intuitive and novice-friendly. We’ve heard good feedback from our community members utilizing this mobile wallet.

Once the app is installed, it demands your desired wallet, in our case Klaytn. Afterward, it takes you to the seed backup interface and you’re able to send and receive KLAY in a jiffy. Interestingly, the team notified us that NOVA Wallet charges no deposit and withdrawal fees for KLAY and KCT-based tokens — further enhancing the user experience.

There’s no QR code feature yet for transfers, but the team is preparing to implement it in the near term. Currently, various use cases and authentication methods are being considered. NOVA Wallet also included an in-house BApp Station via which the user can visit BApp websites. Direct interaction with Klaytn BApps (3rd screen) isn’t possible yet, though it should become available in the short term future.

In the case of the BApp Station, a mobile authentication SDK (private key transmission and login function) has been developed and beta-tested for interacting with BApps (especially mobile game companies).

Via the top right button in the third screen, additional KCT tokens can be added and users can integrate their own custom KCT token! Once you’ve created your own token, you can send the team your logo and they will install it for you. Via the top left corner and more button, users can check their transaction history on the built-in Klaytnscope block explorer.

Midas Protocol

Midas Protocol is best described as the mobile Swiss Army Knife among Klaytn supporting crypto wallets due to its highly customizable nature and rich set of features. The team is specifically focussing on more experienced crypto users, commanding more functionality from their wallet.

Opening the app, you arrive at the screen showing an overview of all supported major cryptocurrencies. While navigating to Klaytn, the app allows us to create or import an existing wallet. After creating a Klaytn wallet, the user can create wallets for other cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin) while using the same seed, providing a user-friendly experience. Receiving KLAY can be done via showing someone else your QR code or just copying your wallet address. Wallet history can be viewed via Klaytnscope. The second tab allows you to trade KLAY on Vinex Network, an exchange owned by the Midas Foundation.

The center tab navigates to the in-app BApp store. The Midas team has recently opened up an application form for BApp developers wishing to leverage their 100k+ userbase. Moving on we’ll find a tab offering our daily portion of crypto news and finally, a profile management interface. This allows different users to manage their personal assets securely via the same device.

Coming up soon are BApps that will be integrated in the in-app BApp store, as well as support for KCT tokens.

Huobi Wallet

Huobi Wallet, owned by Huobi Exchange (one of Klaytn’s Governance Council members, is a multi-chain mobile wallet that was designed specifically for simplicity. The wallet interface is smooth, user-friendly and very beautiful. This wallet is definitely fit for amateur users looking to set up their wallet in a swift and secure manner.

At the start, Huobi Wallet asks us to create or import a wallet which can be done via choosing a secure password. Next up is choosing the cryptocurrency you want a wallet for. Upon selection and confirmation, the wallet application automatically makes a new wallet for you in one click and assigns a seed. The decentralized Huobi Wallet can manage multiple crypto wallets under a single set of mnemonic phrases. The wallet allows the user to check transaction history via the integrated Klaytnscope block explorer.

At this point in time, the wallet does not provide (custom) KCT token support, nor can Klaytn BApps be accessed from the in-game DApp store.

That’s it folks! Please join our Telegram Channel if you need help setting up your wallet. We will gladly introduce you to the right support staff.

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