KlaytnCommunity — FiveStars Impact Campaign Report

Bobby BLocker
Published in
5 min readApr 16, 2020


Now that we’ve closed the first part of our Community Growth Campaign with some outstanding feedback from our community members, we’re glad to report that our first Partners Up-Close managed to raise even more steam, building on the momentum of the Growth Campaign and taking it to the next level.

The idea of Partners Up-Close was to introduce our community to the numerous partners of Klaytn that help make up its ecosystem and the closed beta testing (CBT) of SkyPeople’s upcoming blockchain game FiveStars gave us the perfect opportunity to do so. We came up with a collaborative campaign optimized for maximum impact in a limited time frame we had until its launch and invited our community to help SkyPeople test their game with a chance to win a share of a KLAY reward pool. In doing so, we’ve brought our communities closer together, and we intend to continue similar work with other ecosystem partners, helping to fortify connections across the Klaytn Ecosystem.

Starting off with the initial article, we’ve managed to attract more than a thousand views (1,007 views so far to be exact) and 320 reads in just five days since posting.

The stats remain equally impressive on our tweet announcing the new series, with more than 1,400 impressions and 130 engagements on Twitter. However, the real impact begun to show as the CBT launch date neared, with our community living up to its reputation of eagerness to support Klaytn Ecosystem projects and partners.

Talking to SkyPeople, we’ve come to understand their need for quality feedback in the beta testing stages and how it can prove pivotal to the future development of the project. Hence, we’ve decided to call out to our community and invite them to join the beta test in order to help provide a more diverse cross-cut of the beta testers and promote unity in the Klaytn Community. At the same time, given the short time period we’ve had until the game launches, we’ve decided to spice things up with a prize pool, in order to maximize the campaign’s impact.

Your response has once again left us overwhelmed - from the feedback we’ve had from SkyPeople since more than 450 of our Klaytneers joined up their beta test and tried their hand at FiveStars. Our channel quickly became the home to various heroes fighting their way through hordes of enemies, with our team members Conor and Bobby helping to fight as well:

Various screens posted by Klaytneers in KlaytnCommunity

What made us particularly proud was the exchange of community members between SkyPeople’s Telegram Channel and our own, which saw the Mineral Global community grow by 20% since our Partners Up-Close on FiveStars launched and announced the focused impact campaign. Furthermore, at the time of publishing, we’ve been informed their closed beta test was at 900 applicants and shortly after our Up-Close impact campaign was announced, more than 450 new applicants applied to test the game. We’re thrilled that our community responded so well and showed off a sense of unity we’d like to propagate throughout the whole ecosystem in the months to come.

We anticipated this strong response and wanted to think of a way to thank our Klaytneers for their efforts and introduced a form to collect their feedback, helping us gauge their experience at the same time. Analyzing the data collected, we’re happy to report than more than 75% of our community members scored the game as five-stars with an additional 20% voting it four-stars in the follow-up document. We’ve also collected their impressions of the game, which mostly praised the game’s amazing graphics and visual effects, as well as the gameplay and soundtrack.

The data collected in this manner was forwarded to SkyPeople and we hope that the Klaytneer’s experiences will help them perfect the game for the official launch. SkyPeople, in turn, helped us verify the entries, cross-checking them with users ID’s registered in FiveStars, as we wanted to reward the first 100 Klaytneers to play the game and submit us the valuable feedback. The first 100 submissions took minutes to complete, but we’ve left the form open for 30 minutes in case there were invalid submissions.

Sadly, we’ve found several actors trying to game the system and take advantage of our community, but our cooperation with SkyPeople made sure they were found out and these entries were discarded by our team upon SkyPeople’s revision.

This concludes our detailed look at FiveStars. We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about SkyPeople and their project and had fun testing theirs. Stay tuned for more ecosystem partners reviews in upcoming editions of KlaytnCommunity’s Partners Up-Close.

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Bobby BLocker

Blockchain technology enthusiast, Senior Editor and Marketing Manager for t.me/DeFiRaccoons