Considering Which One of Us Is The More Sensitive Partner

I have an idea of which one of us is but I feel like I might need to give it a closer look yet again


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

I believe that I’ve answered this question before in one of my stories from last year. I do still believe that the answer I gave stands true today. It’s just that my partner tells me at times, especially when I think that he should be the more battle-tested and hardened one that he should keep it together for both of us, and that he has stated that he’s also sensitive.

Am I really the most sensitive of the two of us? I’m definitely the one who cries a lot more in the relationship. I would cry over almost anything. Even if I’m happy and I’m watching an animated Disney movie, you might see a tear in my eye after watching an emotional or satisfying conclusion. I’ve cried over a lot. That’s also a huge reason that I don’t and really can’t watch the news.

Mike shows his sensitivity in other ways. He’s definitely more logical than I am. I can definitely get lost in my emotions at times. That’s not to say that I don’t have my logical moments as well but I definitely am very much in touch with my emotions. Mike has a big heart. I think that this is really where he shows his sensitivity.

He’s so giving and caring to those he cares about. Unlike me, who has had trouble keeping in contact with the same group of friends over the years, he still has the same best friends for more than a decade. That doesn’t directly show his sensitive side but I think that his friends see it more often and have stayed loyal to him because of that. I’m more prone to hiding my sensitivity away from others at times. That’s probably why people tend to fall away from me. I don’t know. I’m just speculating.

I think after looking at the contrast between my partner and me, I would make the same conclusion. We’re both sensitive and we both have big hearts but it is fairly clear that I’m more prone to bouts of showing my sensitive side. We’re both very affected by external stimuli and feel the emotions of those around us a lot. I think that since I show it a lot more, it shows that I’m just that much more sensitive than my partner, even if I’m better at hiding it when we’re out in public.

I do feel like I can really show my emotions when we’re in private which is why I feel like it’s okay for me to cry even if my partner says that there isn’t really a reason to have to cry. I know crying isn’t the only way to measure that but it feels like a good measuring stick not being able to get into each other’s heads.

Karen Schwartz, Ruby Noir, Denise Kendig, Keeley Schroder, Marlana, MSW, and Susie Winfield



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Klearance Cannabis Collection

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.