I’m A Little Disappointed That We’ve Only Used Our New Instant Pot Once So Far

We got the premium model and it’s supposed to help us save money


Photo by Katherine Chase on Unsplash

Instant Pot was useful for exactly one cook so far and we aren’t saving money on food…yet

We’ve had this Instant Pot for a few weeks. We used it once to make some pasta sauce over a week ago that we haven’t finished yet. We put a lot of work and effort into figuring out our ingredients for our first cook and spent several days leaving the food to slow cook as we could smell every single warm morsel as we were sleeping and doing our daily tasks inside the tiny home.

This Instant Pot was supposed to save us from spending in excess of $50 a day on food at the travel center and other places. We just haven’t realized any of this yet. We’re still getting ready to be on our way from where we’re at and we used the Instant Pot exactly the one time almost a couple of weeks ago now. We definitely want to use the other features that we have access to now with the new pressure cooker and 10-in-one mega cooking machine.

Convenience awaits us at the travel center currently but we knew we needed to invest in saving money

We just haven’t had the opportunity to go shopping outside of having access to cheap, quick snacks and quick pre-made meals in the store at the travel center along with all of the dining options, including the diner, the Pizza Hut, and Subway. I mean, eating the same food over and over again gets boring and old very quickly.

That’s why we made the $150 investment in the Instant Pot in the first place. When you are somewhere for as long as we’ve been, people are almost expecting you to come in and get stuff. The Instant Pot wasn’t going to completely replace us spending money at the travel center store but it was definitely supposed to cut the cost quite a bit because we would seek out fresher ingredients and eat healthier options than junk food and fast food.

The road and healthier eating awaits and we no longer have to leave the pot collecting dust

At this point, I think that the plan is to wait it out until we are absolutely ready to go and have everything done on the truck and go on the Ohio Turnpike as we had planned this last couple of weeks. We will still have all of the other food available to us but we will also have other options to go to along our route and won’t have to settle for overpriced snacks and pre-packaged foods.

I’m diabetic and have high blood pressure and my partner has multiple sclerosis. I would definitely love for us to have healthier eating options. At this point, we wait and bide our time until we can leave, and then everything we’ve wanted to get done in the last few weeks can be realized. Not using a quality appliance that we bought to help us make so many delicious dishes feels like having an expensive gadget and just letting it sit on the sidelines and collect dust.



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Klearance Cannabis Collection

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.