Let Me Tell You A Little Bit More About My Soulmate

It’s not a matter of if I think I’ve found him, I’ve found him and he’s amazing


Photo by Abby Savage on Unsplash. This isn’t Mike but it very well could be.

The simple question that Susie posed in today’s writing challenge was, “Have you found your soulmate?” If you’ve read enough of my work, you would figure out that my partner of nine years is my life partner and a great complement to me. Of course, I’ve found my soulmate.

I have run out of adjectives to describe him so I will try not to use too many cheesy adjectives to describe him. He’s just wonderful in every way. From the size of his heart and his brain to the way he interacts with animals and our little nieces and nephews.

Mike is everyone’s favorite uncle. Shoot, if this didn’t sound weird to say, I’d even want Mike to be my uncle. No, guys, don’t get any ideas, we’re not going to roleplay that out. That would do the opposite of turning me on. Okay, I’ve had enough fun setting up that joke.

My soulmate gets my humor, though, even if sometimes he thinks that I can be a bit much and need to tone it down. As I said, he knows how to balance me. He’s also looking out for my best interests, obviously.

He’ll suggest that I do something that I may not see the benefit in at the time but then looking back I’ll realize why he wanted me to do that certain thing. He anticipates my needs constantly and always tries to make me feel better when I’m down, sick, or seemingly unwell in other ways.

I’ve had so many emotions with my soulmate. He knows a great way to handle most of them, even if I’m not initially receptive to some of the ideas.

I don’t ever picture my life without him. After a bit of time at the start and from the point that I said, “I love you,” to him within a few months when we first got together, I had a strong feeling that we would spend the rest of our lives together, even with how much I initially tried to sabotage myself and our relationship.

He knew that I was hurting and he’s also known hurt in his life from his own family. Hurt definitely understands hurt and he came into my life at just the right time as I was finding myself and starting to come into my own. My soulmate knew exactly how to approach me, keep me, and nurture the relationship that we have made stronger with every passing day.

Deb Palmer, Karen Schwartz, Ruby Noir, Denise Kendig, Keeley Schroder, Marlana, MSW, and Susie Winfield



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Klearance Cannabis Collection

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.