My Partner Is My Best Friend

We share a lot with each other and I never found myself finding both in the same person


Photo by Mike Kilcoyne on Unsplash

I know people who say that their partner isn’t their best friend. I have never thought in my life that that had to be the case. I always believed that someone could have a best friend and a partner and that they can be two different people. I still believe that fact.

Mike’s My Best Friend

For me, however, with Mike, he is in fact my best friend. I think it’s because we’ve been through so much together and I haven’t really consistently stayed in contact with anyone else in the last decade. He has been the most consistent force and the only person who’s stuck by me for most of the last decade and through all of the adversity.

I don’t know anyone else that I’d rather share my deep, dark secrets with. He’s also the person that I tell many of my emotions. I’m still not perfect at communicating how I feel at all times but he’s the one who hears about it most often. I also share our dreams and goals with him. It definitely helps that I love him so much. I love all of the people that I consider people that I am close to and who I call my friend but he’s the one I love the most.

I Spend Most of My Time With Him

He’s the person that I feel most comfortable being myself with. I’m the most free with my jokes around Mike. I am the silliest around Mike. I let my hair down in a sense. I spend most of my days with him at this point.

We’re usually within a few feet of each other for about 22 out of 24 hours of the day. I’ve never spent more time with a friend than I have with my partner. I’ve probably spent less time with my family to this point in my life.

He Is In My Family-Level Inner Circle

I would also say that he’s my best friend to the point that I trust Mike even more than I trust most of my family. I’d say that he is on the same level in my trust circle as my mom and my brother. Based on recent developments with my mom, he has just passed her since she kept a big secret from me that I will call her about in the coming days. I’m sure that we could work it out but it hurts that my mom lied to me about something that I was certain about.

The point is, if I can trust my partner more than I can trust my mother, then that’s a huge deal. I don’t ever see myself leaving this relationship and him also being my best friend is a big deal. I’ve never let anyone in as much as I’ve let Mike in. I’ve been in a few long-term relationships in the past.

Soulmate/Best Friend

The fact that I’ve found my soulmate and also my best friend is huge. Again, I want to reiterate that you don’t have to have this be the same person but when you do, it definitely enhances the quality of your relationship. I obviously have other friends who I can confide in and talk to if I need to outside of my relationship but if I don’t need to, I don’t.

Karen Schwartz, Ruby Noir, Denise Kendig, Keeley Schroder, Marlana, MSW, and Susie Winfield



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Klearance Cannabis Collection

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.