Are You a Data-Intensive Application? [Yes] — The New Front-End Landscape Part 2

Joshua Hailpern
Kleeen Software
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2021

This is a data-intensive world. Almost every product’s success depends on data. Data that end-users need to understand, to drill-in into, to make sense of, and to take action on.
IoT Management Consider an IoT management system: It brings together data from an automotive plant, agricultural center, or smart-city infrastructure. There are thousands of sensors, terabytes of data, and rich AI/analytics capabilities that help make sense of this information. But the end-users of the management system need to find insights, drill into related data, identify possible new patterns, and then take action based on their investigations — be it to create a repair ticket for an automotive part defect, change watering cycles on a crop, or adjust electric/water distribution to respond to changing demands.
People Management Consider an application to help recruiters (and their customers) sift through huge amounts of job candidates: End-users need to see trends, find outliers and distributions, drill into specific former employers or job-levels, filter and refine data by skills — create hypotheses, test them, and eventually take action on specific candidates.
Networking Consider a company, providing wireless and wired internet to hundreds of employees (or servers in data centers) in anywhere from one to hundreds of locations:

