No Food After Testing?

Sasha Dovzak
2 min readMay 8, 2018


Klein has a closed-campus policy that states that students cannot be brought anything to school during a testing day, even after the test is finished. That includes food as well. Students who are supposed to be brought lunch cannot get their lunch until after school.

“What good is it going to do if they can’t eat it during lunch. How are we supposed to get a good education if students cannot eat? How are we supposed to focus in class on an empty stomach?” — Mona Hamad, Freshman at Klein Cain.

“It’s not like my mom is giving me the answers to the STAAR test in my Chick-Fil-A. We’ve already finished taking the test. If we were still taking the test it might make sense but when we’ve already finished? Not allowing students to get their lunch? Now because I went to the office to get food they wouldn’t give me I have to stand in line for about 20 minutes giving me only ten minutes to eat, that’s after I find a table. testing days are hectic and stressful, why put more stress on the students?” — Allyse Doiron, Freshman at Klein Cain.

“To add on to what Allyse said, some students don’t have money in their accounts and don’t have money on them, then those students don’t get lunch at all, though come to think of it that’s a better option than our school food,” — Another Klein Cain Student.

Parents spent money and time to get their students get lunch, and the school/district is not allowing the students to eat it. They are now having to spend extra money on school food, or having to go hungry. Some students have after-school activities as well, like Allyse Doiron who is the Stage Manager for Klein Cains current production, The Good Doctor, and she wasn’t the only one that was brought food and not allowed to eat it.

These students are our future. Let’s make sure we feed our future.



Sasha Dovzak

Hi! I’m Sasha Dovzak and I am a special story anchor at Klein Cain. I am a theatre, orchestra, and dance student.