What Cain Students Do During the Weekend

Douglas Pham
Published in
1 min readMar 9, 2018

Being perpetually inundated with one assessment and assignment after another is exhausting. After a long week of school, most students like to do recreational activities such as binge-watching a Netflix show or sleeping in, or, vice versa, do homework or projects assigned prior.

“I usually — first, when I get home, I want to get my homework out of the way so I don’t have to stress over that and be worried about school. Then I usually mess around on my computer or go outside,” said sophomore student Alexander Scannell.

During his weekends, freshman student Tyler Poe likes to spend time outside of home. “Usually, I hang out with friends or go to church because it’s fun,” said Poe, “it gives me something to do.”

Playing outdoors during the weekend also gives the opportunity for students such as Scannell to increase physical fitness and reduce stress. “Sometimes I ride my skateboard, [which I recently got], swim, or take long walks near the bayou.”

With Spring Break coming up, Tyler said, “I’m going to hang around [with my friends] probably — my house is getting renovated so we’re going to do that, and I’m going to paint my room and also play some Fortnite.”

