Kleros — Best Security Practices

Stuart James
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2018

A permanent feature of the crypto space is scammers, spammers and all types of bad actors trying to appropriate your coins for their personal gain.

From the downright useless to the highly sophisticated, users must be vigilant at all times as new scamming techniques are developed.

There are many posts out there detailing the methods to stay safe but we thought we’d write our own to help our community protect themselves.


A common scam tactic is to create fake Twitter accounts and instruct users to send payments to scam addresses. Here are some attempts to scam Kleros’ Twitter.

First key indicator is these accounts have little or no followers. They will often post messages stating ‘We’re giving away 5000 ETH.’ etc.

WE ARE NOT GIVING AWAY ANY ETH. And nor is anyone else for that matter.

Our official Twitter account is:


Double check you are always opening the correct page.

If you come across a fake Twitter account, please report it as soon as possible or notify a member of Kleros. Help keep the community safe.


Our official Facebook account is:


If you receive messages from anyone purporting to be us on Facebook, it’s a scam. We are rarely engaged on Facebook and most of our activity is in Telegram, Twitter or Slack.

Our Website & Email

Our official website is:


When you want to visit the Kleros website, type the URL directly into the browser address bar and then bookmark the site for added security.

Only use the bookmark to visit the site. Always check the full URL before entering any personal information. Site scammers have become very clever replacing certain characters with variants that are even more challenging to detect.

If we do have to contact you for any reason you’ll receive the email from our official account contact@kleros.io.

Double check this is not something like contact@k1eros.io, @kler0s.io @klero5.io or any other variant which is not the official account.


On first look these tiny variations can bypass the eye. When in doubt, you can contact us directly in our Telegram group with any dubious goings on. Our Telegram is:


There are already groups popping up with Kleros+extra characters appearing in Telegram. One of the most effective methods of scamming is impersonating admins on Telegram.

Below you will see a screenshot of the real Kleros Telegram channel. You can see the true link to our group t.me/kleros. Any other link than this exact one is a scam account.

This is the official Kleros Telegram channel.

Verified admins will have stars attached to their names. If you’re in our group and you see these stars, you can be certain this is an admin (Hydra, Tobias and SJJ in this case.)

One of the new attacks has a scammer copy the Telegram account of one of our admins. They will duplicate the photo, copy the info in the bio and in place of showing their fake username, they will write the username of the real admin in the bio text space. This is designed to make a spam account masquerade as the real one using the ‘Bio’ text space in Telegram. This is a hard one to spot so look out for the verified star and check the list of verified admins at the bottom of the page.

You can see in the image below our CEO who also has the approved Admin status. If you’re in the Kleros group and you see users purporting to be us who do not have the admin verification please notify.

A verified Admin star will appear when in our group and chatting to the correct person.

When in doubt, tweet at us (@kleros_io) and we will instruct you whether a communication is trustworthy.

All official partnerships and announcements are made on our Twitter and website — please do not fall for any third party rumors or speculation. If you see a reposted announcement in any other forum that does not contain a link to the original information on our web site, it is fake. Only trust what you see on the Kleros website.

Team Social Accounts

Click here to see our social profile pictures and verified links.

Key Information about Kleros

Website = https://kleros.io

Telegram = https://t.me/kleros

  • SJJ — Community Manager = @Stuart_James
  • Tobias — Moderator = @Qlovn
  • Federico — CEO = @federicoast1

Twitter = https://twitter.com/Kleros_io

Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/kleros.io

Email = contact@kleros.io

Other official domain names:

Kleros.im Juror Dashboard.
Kleros.in Off-chain Storage.
Kleros.tech Escrow Contract Dashboard.

If the sites or people you are speaking to don’t look EXACTLY like the above, double check and re-check after that.

When in doubt, always remember some basic rules:

  • The Kleros team will NEVER PM you asking for any personal information, wallet addresses or emails. If someone does, it’s a scammer.
  • If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
  • Be extra vigilant in Telegram. Impersonators of the team are active.
  • Always, always use common sense.

Learn More

Join the community chat on Telegram.

Visit our website.

Read our white paper and the one -pager.

Get updates on Medium.

Follow us on Twitter.

Join our Slack for developer conversations.

Contribute on Github.

Stay posted on the Telegram Official Announcements Channel.

