Call for Climbers in Berlin

John Ngo
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2017

Kletterer is an ongoing photography project focused on highlighting the diversity of Berlin’s climbing community.

Inspired by projects such as Techies, Beyond Work, Humans of New York, and The Sartorialist; Kletterer is part homage to the profound impact of climbing on my life, and part ethnographic study of the interesting people I’ve been fortunate to meet through climbing.

I want to talk to people with an unexpected or unconventional identity outside of climbing. I’m more interested in the person behind the climber — why you climb and what drew you to it — rather than your skill level or whether you identify as a boulderer or sport climber.


I’d expect to spend between one to two hours interviewing you, talking about how you started climbing and transition into what you do and how you’ve arrived at this place in time. During this time, I’ll photograph you in your surroundings, so ideally the interview will take place somewhere that has a strong emotional connection to you. As long as there isn’t too much background noise, the interview can take place over a meal, a coffee, or we could even take a walk.

It is important to me that you are able to present the best version of your story. As such, you will be given an opportunity to review and edit your interview and select photographs before anything is published.

The interview and photographs will be used on the project’s website and social media. They will form part of a longer term project and potentially be used in prints, books, or exhibitions in the future.


If you’d like to take part, please contact me using this form.

And please nominate any climbers you know with an interesting story by forwarding this to them.



John Ngo

I like to think about design, tech, climbing; and bringing people together around these things.