Amazing UX Resources to help Spice Up your Digital Lives!

Ken Ngan
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2019

From time to time, I get friends or colleagues asking me if I have any resources to help them learn more about UX. Fortunately with the internet, there’s a tonne of information online.

Whether you are interested in starting a new career in UX, curious about the discipline to support a project or improving your skill set — there’s something for everyone.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine gif via Giphy

So I decided to consolidate all my bookmarks and subscriptions I had gathered over the years and curate a list to share with you all. This is by no means an exhaustive list of what I have encountered but key resources I have found helpful and continue to follow.

UX eBooks

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The websites noted in this category are gems. They contain downloadable books on UX best practices with content ranging from wireframing, UI design, usability testing, project management and everything in between — all for free!

UX Blogs

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Blogs are amazing for keeping up to date on news, trends and events. I find them especially useful to get the latest insights on new product features and releases for digital design tools.

Sketch and InVision have strongly positioned themselves as forward thinkers when it comes to workflow and productivity. They’ve also established quite the following amongst the design community through knowledge sharing, hosting events, forming industry partnerships and advocating for users of digital design tools. Both are worth checking out to see what all the hype is about.

Newsletters & Articles

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What better way to keep you on your toes then to have content pushed right into your inbox? I recommend creating a dedicated email address just for your UX subscriptions to avoid overcrowding your personal inbox. Also, it’s nice to be organized.

Social Media

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All of the above organizations can also be followed via Twitter or Facebook. I find the snippets of information along with the mix of topics found in news feeds a great way to quickly stay informed.

That’s All Folks gif via Giphy

I hope you find these resources helpful. If you have amazing UX resources to add from your own list, please share by commenting below. I would love to check them out :)

