Tablets Are Not Mobile Devices, mkay?

Dave Lougheed
Published in
1 min readNov 9, 2018

Tablets (iPads and such) are not mobile devices.

You could call tablets “portable” devices, but we think “mobile” means something different.

Here’s why:

  • Tablets generally tend not to leave the home or office they are primarily used in
  • For this reason, most tablet users have wi-fi but do not pay extra for mobile data access like they have with a smartphone
  • Tablets generally get served the “desktop” version of a website (as opposed to a “mobile” version). It’s generally viewed as too expensive to create 3 versions of a site (mobile, tablet, desktop) instead of just 2 (mobile and desktop) for minor tablet UX affordances

Some people disagree. And that’s ok.

But they’re wrong.



Dave Lougheed
Editor for

UX veteran specializing in the convergence of great design and healthcare.