A Call for Justice and Feminist Future: Reflections from the Global Feminist Forum

Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY)
4 min readMar 2, 2024

Last month, the vibrant city of Kathmandu became a melting pot of ideas, activism, and solidarity as it hosted the Global Feminist Forum. The Asia Feminist Coalition, alongside our esteemed partners, Oxfam and the organisers of the World Social Forum, had the privilege of engaging with an array of frontline communities, activists, and scholars from diverse social movements around the globe. Our session discussed critical issues such as tax and debt justice, the care economy, just energy transitions (JET), climate disasters, and the various challenges facing feminist movements, drives the urgency of our collective action.

Unveiling Insights: Towards a Feminist Just Energy Transition

“Empowerment lies in understanding and action. Our Policy Brief ‘Towards a Feminist Just Energy Transition in Asia’ aims to be a beacon in this quest.”— KAMY

In a significant highlight, KAMY presented the key findings of our Policy Brief “Towards a Feminist Just Energy Transition in Asia: Key Principles and Barriers.” This document, first introduced at the JET and Gender Day at COP28 in Dubai, serves as a critical resource for grassroots communities and scholars. It was also presented to also presented to Fleur Newman, Unit Lead — Gender | Youth | ACE at UNFCCC as well as UN Mandate Holders including Professor Attiya Waris, UN Independent Expert on foreign debt, other international financial obligations and human rights and Mr Surya Deva, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to development as well as Brenda Akia, UN CEDAW Committee.

Unveiling Insights: Towards a Feminist Just Energy Transition

Standing in Solidarity: The Cry for Palestine

In a poignant moment of our session, speaker Nalini Ratnarajah brought to light the devastating impact of colonialist wars on the Global South, particularly on women and children.

“The allocation of funds towards war machines rather than fulfiling the climate adaptation finance gap, estimated at US$194–366 billion per year, is a grave injustice that condemns many to death.”

This powerful statement was a call to action for all present, urging a reevaluation of global priorities towards peace, justice, and environmental sustainability.

Our Collective Demand: #FreePalestine

The Asia Feminist Coalition stands firm in its demand for an end to the massacre and occupation of the Palestinian people. The wars fuelled by colonial powers not only wreak havoc on innocent lives but also divert crucial resources from addressing the pressing need for climate adaptation. As Nalini Ratnarajah eloquently stated,

”Finance that should be filling the climate adaptation finance gap has gone towards supporting apartheid, oppression, and fossil fuel expansion.”

We concluded our session with a unified call to #FreePalestine, echoing our commitment to a world where justice, equality, and sustainability reign supreme. This moment was not just a conclusion but a reaffirmation of our dedication to fighting against all forms of injustice.

Moving Forward: A Path of Action and Hope

The Global Feminist Forum in Kathmandu was a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of collective action. As we move forward, the Asia Feminist Coalition remains committed to advocating for a feminist just energy transition, addressing the urgent need for climate adaptation finance, and standing in solidarity with all those fighting against oppression and for a sustainable future.

Our work is far from over, but together, we can create a world that honours justice, equality, and the health of our planet. Join us in this crucial journey, for in unity, there is strength, and in action, there is hope.

