[Voice & Visibility] Women & Climate Crisis policy paper key findings

Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY)
3 min readDec 31, 2023

24 November 2023

Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY) commemorated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with a vital event that spotlighted our seminal Policy Paper on the interplay between women and the climate crisis. This session wasn’t just a discussion but a resonant call to action, spotlighting the often-overlooked nexus of gender and climate crisis.

The methodology of this Policy Paper involved extensive discussions and collaborations with diverse stakeholders, reflecting a concerted effort to bring multiple perspectives and expertise to the forefront. This collaborative approach has been instrumental in enriching the content and depth of the policy paper, ensuring that it addresses the complexities of the climate crisis from a gender-sensitive lens.

The discussion of the policy paper’s key findings with key stakeholders was held at Badan Warisan Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur

The policy paper is scheduled for a public release in May 2024, following Malaysia’s CEDAW review in Geneva.

Key Findings from the Policy Paper

This policy paper emphasises several key areas:

  1. Healthcare and Climate Disasters: Highlighted how climate disasters exacerbate challenges in healthcare, safety, and mental health for women. It stressed the need for gender-sensitized healthcare workers and improved accessibility to healthcare during disasters.
  2. Care Work and Climate Crisis: The findings revealed the disproportionate effect of climate change on women’s roles in care work. It called for redefining caregiving roles, investing in the care economy, and introducing community care providers to manage unpaid care work.
  3. Education, Workplace, and Community Knowledge: Identifies the disrupted education due to climate disasters and the lack of climate and gender education. It also pointed out the flexibility issues women face in employment during disasters and the need for resilient education policies.
  4. Finance, Policy, and Legal Framework: The policy paper addressed the inadequacy in climate finance, gender-responsive budgeting, and the slow progression of gender-mainstreamed climate policies. It advocated for incorporating gender perspectives in policy formation and climate finance.
  5. Just Energy Transition: A large emphasis on the need for climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies that are not only environmentally sustainable but also socially equitable and responsible. This includes ensuring that transitions in energy and other sectors do not disproportionately burden women, particularly those in marginalized communities. The paper advocates for inclusive decision-making processes and equitable distribution of resources in the move towards a low-carbon economy, ensuring that women’s voices and needs are integral to these transformative changes.

The event and the policy paper mark a significant step in redefining the narrative around gender and the climate crisis. We aim to continue this momentum and foster a gender-transformative nation under various policy frameworks. The insights from this session and the policy paper will be instrumental in our advocacy at COP28 and beyond.

We express our gratitude to our partners who attended the event. Their presence and support are invaluable in our journey toward gender-transformative policies in Malaysia and beyond.

  • Amnesty International Malaysia
  • CANSEA — Climate Action Network Southeast Asia
  • Family Frontiers
  • Girl Guides Association Malaysia
  • IMAN Research
  • IWRAW Asia Pacific
  • Kuala Lumpur Resident’s Association (KLRA+)
  • Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development — Jabatan Pembangunan Wanita
  • National Council of Women’s Organisations Malaysia (NCWO)
  • Parti Sosialis Malaysia
  • Reproductive Rights Advocacy Alliance Malaysia (RRAAM)
  • Malaysia Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM)
  • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Malaysia
  • Women Aid Organisation (WAO)
  • Women’s Fund Asia (WFA)


