EquipAny — Risk Assessment and Activity Recognition

Aswin Vijayakumar.
4 min readApr 14, 2023


A Mobile App to Report Environmental Incidents and Identify Risks at the Workplace. EquipAny is interested in Reporting the Operational Metadata.

Why We Focus on Construction Piling

The Central Valley of California, used to Face Land Subsidence, as previously mentioned in this article on: Hydrogeology Concepts that help people memorize topics and formulae — Part I.

Source — https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/hydrogeology-concepts-that-help-people-memorize-topics-and-formulae-part-i-da67bb7db779

Map of The Central Valley of California, Visualized from a Satellite Picture, shows the Green Region and its surroundings. Hydrogeology explains about: various techniques of water seepage through soil and strata; retention of water in the soil and agricultural land. The article explains about various methods by which measurements can be made to verify the type of soil, through the use of sensors.

Farm Lands of The Central Valley of California

As you see above this paragraph, the farm lands are shown in patches. The issue with The Central Valley of California, was that the Land gets Subsided, quite often. The Ground Water of The Valley, must be recharged, and it happens through Agricultural Practices.

Construction Piling is mainly conducted: to ensure there is No Land Subsidence, for holding the Construction of Large Building Structures that require Support(s).

Foundation ensures, the Building is Stable in its Surroundings, by providing a Longer-Term Structural Stability.

Risk Assessment

Likelihood & Impact of Risk(s)

The above risk assessment is conducted to assess the Likelihood & Impact of Incident Cases recorded through EquipAny.

Few list of such cases are presented below:

Glide Prototype Screen for EquipAny at https://equipany.glide.page

The Supervisor wishes to trace back certain activities relevant to the list of Incidents presented here. The “Traceability Visualizations” are shown to the Team to discuss what went wrong and what needs to be improved!.

Traceability Requires Requirements Tagging

Tagging the Requirements is a great method to make them findable. Requirements Tagging is observed in the Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) sector.

Meaningful Tags form a Traceable Whole !!!

Traceability allows the Findings from a Construction Site to be Transferrable and Reportable. The process is described as follows:


An Implementation of Traceability in a Construction Site to identify Risk

An Implementation of Traceability in a Construction Site to Identify Risk

Traceability — using Tagging of Events

Traceability — using Tagging of Events

Activity Recognition using Machine Learning

Activity Recognition involves a sequence of events, to create a significant activity within Construction Scheduling. Usable parameters such as Time and Cost can be measured from the Machine Learning Algorithm output.

Such a process could be compared to the Metrics of a Supply Chain Management Project, which involves:

Metric 1: Time,

Metric 2: Cost,

Metric 3: Flexibility, and

Metric 4: Quality

Activity Recognition will allow the Drivers — Truck or Crane, to allocate more shift — based jobs, as the Work Progress is indicated to one of their devices in use.

Soil Extraction!, Driving & EarthMoving!, Dropping & Loading!, Picking!; and Picking!

!!!!! Thank you very much for Reading This Article !!!!

Some of the Reviews of the EquipAny Mobile App at Glide

Reviews of the EquipAny Mobile App at Glide !
Reviews of the EquipAny Mobile App at Glide !
The EquipAny Logo



Aswin Vijayakumar.

Project, technical details and standards for Computer Vision and Data Science. Contact: aswinkvj@klinterai.com.