AI and Entertainment: A Not-So-Sci-Fi Anymore Tale from UTA AI Symposium (5) AI and Digital Identity

Crafting the Future of Voice and Persona: AI Voice and the New Frontiers of Digital Expression

Hannah Joo @themissingfox
3 min readNov 22, 2023


Let’s decode the wonders from the AI and Digital Identity: Digital Humans and Replicas session at the UTA AI symposium. It’s like stepping into a sci-fi novel, but this time, it’s real.

AI and Digital Identity: Digital Humans and Replicas: Blurring the Boundaries of Reality
Moderator: Lesley Silverman (Head of Web3, UTA) | Speakers: Daouda Leonard (Founder and CEO, CREATESAFE), Dustin Blank (Head of Partnerships, Eleven Labs)

AI’s Symphony in Creativity and Music

Imagine meditations voiced by Grimes but created by AI. Sounds like a track from the future, right? That’s what Daouda Leonard brought to the table, showcasing how AI voices aren’t just about talking; they’re about creating new forms of art and music.

Intellectual Property: The New Frontier

Picture this: copyrighting AI-generated voices. It’s like staking a claim on a piece of the digital universe, opening new revenue streams for creators. AI-generated voices are more than just echoes; they’re potentially a goldmine for creators to own and monetize their unique digital soundscapes.

Breaking Language Barriers: AI’s Universal Translator

Panelists agreed that AI voice technology isn’t just about cool sounds; it’s a bridge between cultures and languages. Imagine a world where language barriers are just a memory, thanks to AI’s universal translator.

AI: The Creative Co-pilot

Both panelists saw AI as a creative sidekick, opening doors to uncharted artistic territories. It’s about enhancing human creativity, not replacing it. Think of AI as a paintbrush, not the painter.

Ethics in the Age of Voice Cloning

With great power comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to voice cloning. The panelists emphasized ethical usage and clear terms of service, ensuring artists set the rules in this new digital soundscape.

Personalized AI Voices: The Future Sounds Good

Looking ahead, imagine AI voices that adapt to your preferences, following you across devices and platforms. The panelists predict a world where AI voices are as common as smartphones.

AI for Beginners: Dive In!

Curious about AI? The panelists’ advice: jump in and start exploring. Platforms like Eleven labs offer a sandbox for those ready to play with AI audio and voice cloning technologies.

Insights for Entertainment Pros

  • Monetization and Ownership — AI voice is not just about making cool sounds; it’s about creating and owning new soundscapes.
  • Ethical Creativity — Navigating the AI voice landscape requires a keen sense of ethics, focusing on consent and rights.
  • Global Harmony — AI voice is your ticket to a global stage, breaking down language barriers.
  • Collaborate with AI — See AI as your artistic ally, not a replacement.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve — Keep up with AI voice tech to stay tuned to the future.

The AI and Digital Identity panel wasn’t just enlightening; it was a glimpse into a future where our voices transcend boundaries, both real and digital. As we venture into this new era, let’s harmonize our human creativity with AI’s endless possibilities.

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Hannah Joo @themissingfox
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🇰🇷🇺🇸 Entertainment & Tech | MBA@UCLA | Program Manager |