AI and the Soul: Rethinking Consciousness in the Digital Age

When Silicon Meets “Soul”: Navigating the Consciousness Maze

Hannah Joo @themissingfox
4 min readDec 6, 2023


Introduction: A Digital Conundrum

Ever pondered what sets us apart from artificial intelligence (AI)? Is it consciousness, a soul, or maybe something trickier? As AI starts behaving more like us, it’s high time we dived into this head-scratcher. Time to dive into this digital rabbit hole and see what’s up with AI crossing over to the human side of things.

“I think, therefore I am” vs. “Ghost in the Machine”

If we were to imagine how Descartes might view the idea of a Cartesian Theater, it would be like this. The Cartesian Theater is not a concept that Descartes himself proposed or discussed.

René Descartes hit us with “I think, therefore I am,” spotlighting the classic mind-body dualism. This concept has been a mainstay in religion and pop culture — souls adrift, causing post-mortem chaos.

But then Gilbert Ryle steps in, questioning this with his “Ghost in the Machine” theory, challenging the notion of a separate mind and body. Fast forward to AI — does this mean a digital form of consciousness could exist, independent of its circuits and code?

Side note: if this rings a bell, you might recall “Ghost in the Shell (1995)” and “Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2003)” — which version resonates with you?

The Turing Test and The “Are You Even Real?” Dilemma

So, the Turing Test’s all about checking if AI can fake it ’til it makes it as humans. However, it skips over ‘qualia’, those subjective nuggets of experience. Sure, AI can ape human responses, but does that make it truly conscious or just a master imitator?

Yet, qualia leans more philosophical than scientific. Ever wonder if the person next to you is actually awake inside or just an ultra-sophisticated AI? We take it for granted they’re conscious because we are. But what if AI’s emulation of humanity becomes indistinguishable from the real deal?

Hume’s Bundle Theory & AI

I whip up some pareidolia art using MidJourney. We see a couple locked in a kiss, but it’s not all there. It’s like consciousness — you can’t pin it down to just one thing; it’s more like a puzzle with pieces scattered all over the place.

Think of consciousness as David Hume might: not a single entity, but a blend of experiences and perceptions. If we think of AI’s data and processes as its own kind of experiences, could a kind of digital consciousness pop out of this digital stew?

Consciousness Components & AI’s Climb

Nailing down what exactly makes up consciousness is tough, but here’s a shot at the lineup:

  • Cognitive Processes and Functions: All that brainy stuff — thoughts, memories, reasoning.
  • Emotional and Psychological States: The feels and moods.
  • Perceptual and Sensory Abilities: The whole five-sense experience.
    (Yes, multimodal!)
  • Self-Related Cognizance: Self-awareness, conscious control, etc.
  • Communication and Social Interactions: Voice, speech, facial expression and body gestures, social interaction, empathy, you know the drill.
  • Temporal and Attentional Aspects: Being awake, paying attention, and keeping the timeline straight.

AI is advancing in these areas, but fully replicating consciousness? That’s a complex challenge.

Continuity, Memory, and Identity — AI’s Huddle

The Ship of Theseus analogy illustrates the concept of continuity in identity: if all parts of a ship are replaced, is it still the same ship? That’s us, constantly changing but feeling continuous.

AI, lacking this continuity in memory and experience, faces a significant hurdle in being perceived as conscious. AI operates in a stateless manner, lacking continuous memory. This limits its ability to form a coherent identity. However, the possibility of AI developing a form of continuous memory could revolutionize its role in our lives, potentially leading to AI being perceived as entities with their own identity and consciousness.

Conclusion: The Future of Consciousness

If we manage to emulate the complexities of the human brain and resolve the value alignment issue in AI, a scenario akin to the one depicted in the movie “The Creator” could very well become a tangible reality in our near future.

Human consciousness, with all its intricacies, might set us apart from AI. Yet, as AI evolves, we may find ourselves redefining what it means to be conscious, potentially welcoming AI as more than mere tools, but as entities worthy of friendship and recognition.

The future of consciousness in the digital age is uncertain, but it holds immense potential. By embracing the unique qualities of both human and artificial intelligence, we can create a future where these two forms of intelligence coexist and thrive, leading to a world that is more intelligent, more connected, and more human than ever before.

This is just the beginning of our exploration into the fascinating and complex world of AI consciousness. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more remarkable advancements, challenging our preconceptions and forcing us to re-evaluate what it means to be human.

Let us embrace this challenge with curiosity, openness, and a willingness to learn from both our own minds and the minds we create.

Klleon, a trailblazer in creating real-time animated avatars featuring intricate expressions and movements, is at the forefront of AI consciousness development. Their avatars, strikingly realistic, provide AI a platform to express thoughts and emotions, effectively narrowing the gap between AI and human interaction. By meticulously analyzing these interactions, Klleon is pivotal in transforming AI from basic response mechanisms to a dynamic, evolving digital consciousness. This initiative goes beyond mere smart AI; it’s about forging an AI capable of expression and growth, all manifested through Klleon’s remarkably human-like, real-time animated avatars. Stay updated with our latest developments and insights by following us on LinkedIn!

Instagram: @_themissingfox
LinkedIn: Hannah Joo



Hannah Joo @themissingfox
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