Offbeat things to do in Bangalore : 18th — 19th May

Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2018

Play Mafia Nights and learn spanish this weekend. With these offbeat things to do in Bangalore, we guarantee a weekend you can boast about in office :)

Fri, 18th May: Night of the Mafias

Join us for the infamous Game of Mafia this Friday and be a part of interesting discussions to find the mafias. This event is a fun way to spark new connections with members and new people alike.

Price: Rs. 200/person (Includes Free drink)

Book your slots:

Sat, 19th May & Sun, 20th May: Learn Spanish in a Hurry

Hola amigos! This is the perfect way to spend your weekend and meet Spanish lovers.

Price: Rs. 1500/person

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