How to Use Facebook Pages to Increase Brand Engagement

Kloudio Team
Kloudio Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2018

Are you taking full advantage of your business’ Facebook Pages? Have you missed out in the past, but hope to change your ways in the future?

With approximately 1.49 billion daily active users, there’s a huge opportunity to leverage the power of Facebook.

And as a business owner or marketing professional, you’ll enjoy the fact that 32 percent of Facebook users regularly engage with brands on the platform.

While it’s important to create a Facebook Page, there’s more to success than meets the eye. With more than 50 million small businesses using Facebook pages, there’s no shortage of competition.

So, this leads to an important question: how can you use your Facebook Pages to increase brand engagement?

Here are five tactics to consider:

Create content tailored to your audience

Don’t create content for the sake of doing so. Instead, create content tailored to your audience, as doing so allows you to make an immediate connection.

Labor Law Center, a leading provider of labor law posters, does a great job providing content that “speaks” to their audience. Here’s an example:

It’s concise, it’s to the point, and it’s timely. They don’t waste time sharing content that doesn’t resonate with their audience. Instead, every update is created with the idea of increasing brand engagement.

Know what’s worked in the past

If a specific type of content has engaged your audience in the past, there’s a good chance a similar approach will yield comparable results in the future.

Review your strategy to this point, paying close attention to your most popular posts. Which ones have the highest engagement rate? How about the largest reach?

You can streamline this process by using a tool to query the applicable data, visualize the insights, and review page metrics in a single spreadsheet.

Every piece of data is valuable, so leave no stone unturned. A review of the past can help you better dictate future performance.

Share images and videos

Content is king, right? While the written word is critical to your Facebook success, sharing images and videos can generate more engagement.

According to HubSpot:

“Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images.”

While that statistic is exciting, this one from HubSpot will knock your socks off:

“The average engagement rate for Facebook video posts is 6.01%.”

It’s a good idea to mix up the type of content you share, as you don’t want to bore your audience. However, if brand engagement is on your mind — and it should be — the use of images and video is not optional. It’s a must.

Get serious about replying comments

Engagement is a two-way street. You take the time to create and share engaging content, so you don’t want to do anything to kill the conversation.

Unfortunately, many brands don’t take the time to engage with their audience through comments and replies.

Sprout Social shares this screenshot of a brand doing everything right in regards to comment engagement:

Rather than let one comment after the next pile up, the company quickly jumps in to answer questions, provide feedback, and show their dedication to their customer base.

As your business’ Facebook Pages grows, it’ll take more time and effort to stay current with comments and replies. Despite the increased workload, this is one of the easiest ways to increase brand engagement and loyalty.

Include a CTA

There’s a fine line between including a CTA in your Facebook posts and begging your audience to engage.

It’s okay to ask your audience for feedback on your latest video. It’s okay to encourage your audience to ask questions.

As long as you do it tastefully, your CTA won’t cross the line from acceptable to annoying.

Here’s a straightforward example of a strong CTA, shared by Sumo:

Not only does this post use a powerful (and difficult to miss) CTA — click the image below to read more — but there’s something else going on that you may not see. Consider this tip from Sumo:

“Lighter images are repinned 20x more than darker images.”

Not only does this hold true for Pinterest, but it’s the same for Facebook images. It’s a simple way to improve your CTA with the idea of boosting engagement.

Final thoughts on brand engagement using Facebook Pages

At this point, you should have a clear understanding of the many ways to use Facebook to increase brand engagement.

As you allocate more resources to this social platform, you’ll find yourself swimming in data. It’s this data that allows you to better understand your audience, the impact of your strategy, and the steps you can take to achieve greater success in the future.

Let Kloudio save you time when analyzing Facebook Pages metrics. Try it out on our 14-day free trial.

Originally published at Kloudio.



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