Kluctl and Flux

Alexander Block
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2022

Please note that the information in this blog post is outdated. Kluctl does not integrate into Flux anymore and instead provides an independent Kluctl Controller.

We’re very happy to announce that Kluctl can from now on be used together with Flux. This will allow you to combine the workflows and features advertised by Kluctl with GitOps style continuous delivery.

GitOps vs Kluctl

One of the first questions that we usually get when introducing Kluctl to someone is something like: “Why not GitOps?” or “Why not Flux?”. There seems to be a common misunderstanding that arises in many people when trying to understand Kluctl on first sight, which is to believe that Kluctl is an alternative or competitor to GitOps and Flux (or even ArgoCD).

This is not the case. If one wants to compare Kluctl with something else, then it’s more appropriate to compare it to Helm, Kustomize or Helmfile. It should be clear that Kustomize for example is not an alternative/competitor for Flux, but instead an essential tool and building block to make it work.

Kluctl can be looked at from the same perspective when it comes to Flux. Flux implements Helm and Kustomize support via different controllers, namely the kustomize-controller and the helm-controller. With Kluctl, the same style of controller can be implemented and integrated into the Flux ecosystem.

Introducing the Kluctl Flux Controller

An alpha version of the Kluctl Flux Controller has just been released. It allows to create KluctlDeployment objects which are reconciled in a similar fashion as Kustomizations.

Each KluctlDeployment specifies a source object (e.g. a GitRepository), the target to be deployed and some information on how to handle kubeconfigs. The controller then regularly reconciles the deployment, meaning that it will invoke kluctl deploy whenever a change is detected in the deployment.

Sounds great? Then take a look at this very simple example

Kustomize/Helm vs Kluctl

If you’ve already read through the Kluctl documentation, you’ve probably noticed that Kluctl internally uses Kustomize and Helm extensively.

This might raise the question: Why not use plain Kustomize and/or Helm if Flux is already involved? Good question!. Lets take a look:

Kluctl Projects/Deployments

If you prefer the way Kluctl organizes and structures projects and deployments, then using the Flux Kluctl Controller is obviously the best choice. Kluctl allows you to easily glue together what belongs together. If for example, a redis database is required to make your application work, you can manage the redis Helm Release and your application in the same deployment, including the necessary configuration to let them talk to each other.

To see how different a Kluctl deployment is compared to classic Kustomize/Helm + Flux, you can compare the flux2-kustomize-helm-example and the Kluctl Microservices Demo ( here is tutorial for the demo).

Native multi-env support

Kluctl allows you to natively create deployment projects that can be deployed multiple times to different environments/targets. You can for example have one target that is solely meant for local (e.g. Kind based) deployments, one that targets the test environment and one for prod. You can then use templating to influence deployments in whatever way you like. For example, you could change the local target to set all replicas to 1 and skip resource hungry support applications (e.g. monitoring infrastructure).

This is possible in plain Kustomize as well, but requires you to solve it without the concept of targets and without templating. In Kustomize, multi-env deployments must be solved with overlays, which does not necessary align with how you prefer your project structure.

Mix DevOps and GitOps

The core idea of GitOps is that Git becomes the single source of truth for the desired cluster state. This is something that is extremely valuable with many advantages compared to other approaches. There are however still situations where diverging from GitOps is very valuable as well.

For example, when you start a new deployment project, you’re usually in a state of frequent changes inside the deployment project. These frequent changes need frequent deployments and testing until you get to a point where things are stable enough. If you’re forced to adhere to GitOps in that situation, you end up with very noisy Git histories and plenty of trial-and-error deployment cycles. This is a major productivity killer and we believe there has to be a better way.

With Kluctl, you can start developing locally and deploying from your local machine, with the guarantee that what you see is what will also happen later when GitOps is introduced for the same deployment. When you’re ready, push to Git, create the appropriate KluctlDeployment resource and let GitOps/Flux do its magic.

You can also use dedicated targets for development purposes and only deploy to them from your local machine, while other targets are deployed via GitOps/Flux.

See it in action

If you want to see the Flux Kluctl Controller in action, check out template-cluster-k3s-kluctl, which is a fork of k8s@home template-cluster-k3s with all HelmReleases and Kustomizations ported to KluctlDeployments.

What now?

More documentation, guides, tutorials and examples will follow in the next few days and weeks.

Originally published at https://kluctl.io on May 11, 2022.

