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The Power of the Quran in Understanding the World

A universal alternative to Stoicism, Zen Buddhism and other ‘ancient’ philosophies

Faisal Amjad
5 min readFeb 22, 2021


I hosted a well-known scholar not so long ago.

On the very last day, as our time together was coming to an end, I asked him one final question.

“Sheikh, I’ve learned a whole lot from spending time with you these past few days. But if there’s only one thing you could leave me with, what would it be?”

Without hesitating, he said “That’s an easy one.” (I will paraphrase a little, of course).

“We often busy ourselves with the learning of different things. Everything has its due place of course. But nothing, absolutely nothing matters more than the Quran.

In fact, I would go as far as saying that if you’re not reading the Quran cover to cover every single month as the bare minimum — then don’t do anything else UNTIL you get that habit covered. That is the key to all things, the bedrock, the foundation.

Once you’ve mastered that routine — and ONLY when you’ve mastered that, the next stage is to understand the methodology for understanding the Quran, and how to use it to connect the dots.



Faisal Amjad
KNOW — Lifelong Learning for Muslims

Silver fox 🦊 Thinker. 🤔 Serial Entrepreneur. 👔 I write about education, entrepreneurship and everything in-between.