Five Steps to Become a Knack Tutor

Knack Tutoring
Knack Notes
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2016

Rachel Welch

Maybe there was a Knack flyer posted on your front door. Maybe you Google’d “tutoring jobs for college students”. Maybe you spend so much time in the library already, that you think it would be cool to get paid while being there.

Sounds like you’re ready to tutor with Knack! This whole all-online, application process can be a bit intimidating, but we we’re gonna break it down for you…

Meet Adaobi Ugochukwu, a 23-year-old Biochemistry major at the University of Florida.

Adaobi (pronounced ah-DOE-bee) has been a Knack Tutor for two semesters. She was willing to share her story, so you know what to expect.

Step 1: Apply

Adaobi said she found Knack from a Google search. She was drawn in by the simple application process and ability to get started almost instantly.

Once you download the app, you can apply within a couple minutes. No complex information or testing is required — just your name, address and availability.

It was obvious from the start that Knack was all about helping students, Adaobi said. “Students who have done well in a class can pick right up and tutor others.”

Step 2: Add Classes and Verify Your Grades

Choose the specific classes you’d like to tutor in by entering the course codes. Pick one, pick ten! Just be ready when those requests start rolling in.

Next, verify you meet the grade requirement. All you need is a screenshot of your transcript. Got ’em online? That’ll work! Take a picture and submit it right through the app.

“The application process is so streamlined; it’s all about ensuring you’ve done well” Adaobi said. “I took a picture, sent it in and it was verified the same day. So easy!”

Since Knack Tutors are course-specific, you simply need to prove your proficiency through the grade(s) you’ve earned. No tests or interviews are needed here. The model seems to be working, as the average tutor rating is 98%.

Step 3: Set Your Rate

Other student-tutor companies set your rate for you. Adaobi tried to tutor for companies like this, but wasn’t happy with the results.

“Other companies take a chunk of money from the tutor,” Adaobi said. “You have to hike your prices so high, and it gets to the point where it’s not even affordable to the majority of students. Knack’s 20% service fee is negligible considering the experience provided.”

At Knack, we believe our tutors are worth more than any hidden fees. Enjoy a transparent, trustworthy experience where you’re the one in charge of your rate.

“I’m making the same amount — or greater — as I was working for other companies, because the [other companies] take so much out of the overall fee,” Adaobi said. “It’s definitely a more rewarding experience with Knack.”

Step 4: Add Your Bank Info

Knack was founded by recent college graduates, so we know the realities of a college budget. When you link your bank info, we’ll automatically pay you every Thursday — just in time for the weekend.

“You get paid every week, not every other week,” Adaobi said. “It fits the college budget.”

Don’t worry about dealing with cash or picking up a paycheck. We make sure the money gets in your pocket as quickly as possible.

Step 5: Your First Session

Schedule a request in advance, or allow on-demand requests.

Wondering how to build your tutor-cred? Try scheduling your first session for free or at a discount. Once others can validate your skills, you’ll be more likely to receive requests.

“That initial start can be hard, because it doesn’t matter how good of a tutor you are. If no one knows about you, you won’t get sessions. You have to build up your profile.”

Try reaching out to an experienced tutor in the same class. He or she might be going out of town and can refer their regular student to you.

“Knack has access to so many students,” Adaobi said. “As my profile grew, I was able to attract more clients. Now it’s a steady income and my prices are still very affordable for students.”

Become a Knack Tutor

