About me

Hi, I’m Kathryn Needle.

K Needle
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2020


As a user centered designer, my employers have recognized and rewarded my successful contributions. I am highly effective and experienced as a remote worker and quite familiar with most communication and collaboration tools necessary to the effective operation of global enterprise efforts. I have successfully worked independently, as a leader, and as a valued member of both large and small teams.

I have a successful 20-year history of specializing in marketing, advertising, and e-commerce products and services targeted to both institutions and individuals. Throughout this time I’ve managed projects, processes, and people with determination and empathy. I offer a skilled ability to encourage and educate staff, peers, and executives — providing competence and confidence to complete projects and successfully challenge misguided expectations. As an excellent negotiator I am capable of keeping everyone at the table.

My executive leaders recognize my expertise and honesty and trust me with high profile projects and confidential information. My coworkers have always found my advice and insight invaluable to their decision making and project successes. I’m willing to take “smart” risks, but very careful with those that I consider unnecessary. As a team leader I’ve always been a team player and invest myself in the missions I take on and in success of the people I work with.

