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Knerd Blog
Technology, Product and Design at Knewton
Knewton's UX Research Practice Gears Up for Back-to-School
Knewton's UX Research Practice Gears Up for Back-to-School
How a Multi-Method Research Approach Informed an Exciting New alta Feature.
Karen Horowitz
Jul 24, 2018
How does Wiley empower instructors with assignment length estimates? (Part 3)
How does Wiley empower instructors with assignment length estimates? (Part 3)
Conjugate prior model for time and number of questions (starting with smart defaults and updating estimates over time)
Anitha Sivasubramanian
Oct 5, 2022
How does Wiley empower instructors with assignment length estimates? (Part 2)
How does Wiley empower instructors with assignment length estimates? (Part 2)
Bayesian updating in nutshell (using Conjugate priors) — the preliminaries
Anitha Sivasubramanian
Sep 29, 2022
How does Wiley empower instructors with assignment length estimates? (Part 1)
How does Wiley empower instructors with assignment length estimates? (Part 1)
A look into continuous mathematical modeling choices to estimate the length of an assignment in terms of duration and the number of…
Anitha Sivasubramanian
Sep 8, 2022
On Being a Data Science Intern
On Being a Data Science Intern
A snapshot of a summer at Knewton
Laura Niss
Jul 25, 2018
Saving Money with Beautiful Soup and Hashing
Saving Money with Beautiful Soup and Hashing
How we automated (part of) our way into compliance with the American Disabilities Act
Fangfei Shen
Jul 9, 2018
Higher Ed should learn from Silicon Valley. Not rush to repeat their mistakes.
Higher Ed should learn from Silicon Valley. Not rush to repeat their mistakes.
Education companies can be of value to their customers in three ways. We can improve outcomes, and make learning affordable and accessible.
Brian Kibby
Apr 18, 2018
How We Were Able to Quickly Write Java Clients for Our Microservices
How We Were Able to Quickly Write Java Clients for Our Microservices
In this post we will talk about how we were able to reduce the amount of time it takes to build client libraries for our Java HTTP…
Giannis Neokleous
Apr 17, 2018
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